Mind Teaser Monday

Welcome to Mind Teaser Mondays! When you think about math, your first thought may not be “fun”, “awesome”, or “creative”, but our goal over the next few weeks is to show you all of the ways that math can be just that! Each Monday, we’ll post a new challenge for you to jump into that will stretch and grow your mind and creativity in different ways. We’ll also ask you to share what you create with others so that we can stay connect-ED over the summer!

This week's activity

Mind Teaser Monday - Week 1

What is this piece of art called? How does math contribute to its creation?

You've heard about Growth Mindset before. Today let's talk about Math Mindset

Mindset Video.mp4

Challenge #1: Create Your Own Math Art!

You’ve just seen a bunch of examples, now it’s your turn to try!

Use whatever you can find around your house and some of the images you’ve been inspired by to create art made of shapes or lines or by repeating or rotating patterns. You can make it look like something here or like something you’ve never seen before.

  • Use paint, crayons, or markers on pieces of paper or cut up the paper to make a collage. Use tape to create clean lines and color around it with sidewalk chalk.

  • Wax paper, parchment paper, or old receipts you have lying around could act as tracing paper to repeat your designs.

  • You could take an old sponge, cut it up to make a design, and dip it in some paint to create your own stamp.

  • You can use anything with a straight edge to act as a ruler or use a cup to stencil a circle.

  • If you don’t have any physical art materials or don’t want to get your hands dirty, you can create your own Google Slide deck and insert shapes and rotate them around to create amazing artistic designs!

Challenge #1: Share Your Art!

We’ve create a Padlet so that it’s easy for everyone to upload the amazing artwork they created to get to show off a little and learn from each other!

Take a picture or your physical artwork or save a copy of your digital artwork and upload it at the Padlet link below:

When you upload it, you can give it a title and share a few words to let us know how you created it!