Green County Intermediate School
Please review each of the documents below and discuss them with your GCIS student(s). When you have reviewed all of the available documents, please initial and sign the Online Registration Checklist provided by your school. Completion of the Online Registration Checklist will serve as your acceptance of all policies and guidelines for the 2024-2025 school year as presented below.

District Handbook
GCIS Student Handbook
GCIS Discipline Policy

GCIS Dress Code
GCIS Attendance Regulations
GCIS Homework Policy

Electronic Access/User Agreement (AUP)
Chromebook Checkout Contract
Publishing Student Work/Images

Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
Child Find for Students with Disabilities
Title I Parent Involvement Policy

Climbing Wall Notification/Participation
Field Trip Consent
Transportation Regulations

Asbestos Management Plan
Pesticide Notification
Title IX Notice to Individuals

Student Accident Insurance Notification/Directions for Voluntary Online Enrollment