No Pass No Drive

No Pass/No Drive Statute (KRS 159.051)

Beginning August 1, 2007, any sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) year old applying for a driver’s license permit will be required to complete a school Compliance Verification form. This form verifies that the student is compliant with the components of the statute. The form is available in the front office of GCHS and must be completed and verified by the guidance counselor’s office or designee.

If the student is not compliant, a form will not be issued. If a 16 or 17 year old student accumulates nine (9) or more unexcused absences, the school will report the student as noncompliant via the web portal at the end of each semester. Any absences due to suspension shall be unexcused absences. Additionally, if a 16 or 17 year old driver drops out of school, a report of noncompliance will be made via the web portal.

A student shall be deemed academically deficient when he/she has not received passing grades in at least four (4) courses or the equivalent of 4 courses. Reports of noncompliance based on academic deficiency will be made via the web portal beginning with grades from the fall 2007 semester. The “No Pass, No Drive” law specifies that a student “shall” pass four (4) courses or the equivalent of four (4) courses per semester; 4/6 = 66%. Since most schools are currently using a six (6) course semester, the Kentucky Department of Education is recommending that a student would need to pass more than 66% of his/her classes to be compliant. This same mathematical calculation (66%) has been applied in the graph below to show how it applies to different course and semester configurations. The requirements for GCHS are highlighted.