License Renewal Information

Types of Licenses and How to Renew

Initial License (Teaching, Special Services Provider, Principal, or Administrator)

An initial teaching, special services provider (SSP), principal, or administrator license expires three (3) years from the issue date. In order to move to a professional license, a Colorado Department of Education (CDE) approved Induction Program must be completed. CDE will require a certificate of completion for the Induction Program in order to move to a professional license. For more information and to start your professional license application, click here.

If you are in need of your Induction Program certificate of completion, contact the entity in which you completed Induction. For the D6 Induction Program, contact Erika McNichol (

If you have not completed an approved Induction Program, please reach out to Erika McNichol.

Professional License (Teaching, Special Services Provider, Principal, or Administrator)

A professional teaching, special services provider (SSP), principal, or administrator license expires seven (7) years from the issue date. In order to renew a professional license, Colorado Department of Education (CDE) requires 90 contact hours of continuing education. To obtain your District 6 official transcript, please follow the directions here. For more information and to start your professional license renewal application, click here.

Alternative Teacher License

The alternative teacher pathway allows districts to hire candidates with specific content knowledge and who hold an undergraduate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education to teach while completing the necessary teacher training based on the Colorado Teacher Quality Standards. Alternative teacher preparation programs vary in length from 1 year to 2 years (though special education generalist candidates may take a third year, if necessary). While serving as a teacher, alternative candidates put what they learn into practice immediately. For more information click here.

Licensing Requirements

K-3 READ Act Requirements

Colorado school districts are required to ensure all K-3 teachers complete evidence-based training in teaching reading as a result of changes to the Colorado READ Act in SB-19-199 (PDF). HB21-1129 extends the previously approved deadline of January 31, 2022 to the beginning of the 2022-23 school year. More related information will be released soon by CDE. In subsequent years, districts will need to ensure that teachers new to teaching K-3rd grade also meet this requirement.

To meet this training requirement, State Board of Education rules require that evidence-based training in teaching reading must:

  • Consist of a minimum of 45 hours;

  • Address the content of the educator preparation literacy standards referenced in the state board's RULES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF EDUCATOR LICENSE ENDORSEMENTS, 1 CCR 301-101, SECTION 4.02(5) THROUGH 4.02(12) (effective May 30, 2019); and

  • Include an end of course assessment that teachers can provide evidence of passing.

State law and State Board of Education rules allow the following options for teachers to meet the training requirement. CDE will provide information for teachers to submit documentation that one of these training options met the hour, content, and assessment requirements. At this time, CDE anticipates that the documentation will be a part of a teachers' license.

*This information comes directly from the CDE WEBSITE

K-3 READ Act Requirement FAQ

How do I submit to CDE?

The Colorado Online Licensing (COOL) system has been updated and is able to accept documentation from teachers demonstrating that they have met the READ Act teacher training requirements. The COOL system can be accessed directly on the CDE webpage using this LINK.

If a teacher completed the CDE online training “Building a Strong Foundation: Developing Early Literacy Skills” through Pepper, they will want to follow the directions below to link their account in Pepper to their account in COOL, so their certificate of completion will be sent from the Pepper system over to COOL.

  • Log in to their COOL account.

  • Select “My Profile”.

  • Select “Designations” in the Credential section of their profile.

  • Select the “Link My Pepper Account” link and follow the instructions.

  • The link will take them to Pepper.

  • Log in using their Pepper account credentials.

  • Upon successful completion of this process, a confirmation statement will appear in the green bar beneath the “Link to Pepper” instructions.

If a teacher is submitting documentation for all other pathway options, they will want to follow the directions below.

  • Log in to their COOL account.

  • Select “My Profile”.

  • Select “Designations” in the Credential section of their profile.

  • Select “Add Designation”.

  • Click “Yes, Confirm”.

  • Click “Yes” under “Do you wish to be evaluated for the READ Act designation”.

  • Complete a short application and upload their certificate of completion.


  • Log in to their COOL account.

  • Select + Designation to add the READ Act designation (under “Actions”)

  • Click “Yes, Confirm”.

  • Click “Yes” under “Do you wish to be evaluated for the READ Act designation”.

  • Complete a short application and upload their certificate of completion.

Do I need to submit proof to CDE?

Yes! This will be submitted through the COOL system, see above for directions.

Do I need to submit proof to District 6?

Yes! As soon as you've completed the requirement, fill out this FORM.

When does this requirement need to be completed?

By August 1, 2022. If you are a new educator to District 6 hired on or after July 1, 2022, you will have until February 1, 2023 to complete this requirement.

How do I meet this requirement?

There are several ways to meet this requirement.

  • Seek a Colorado Reading Teacher or Reading Specialist Endorsement.

    • This can be done at some accredited universities

    • Will count toward Horizontal Advancement

  • Passing the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary 5205 with a passing score of 159

  • Appropriate graduate or undergraduate course or other course (approval from CDE)

    • Need to get approval in writing from CDE

    • Will count toward Horizontal Advancement ONLY if it is an accredited college transcripted course

  • CDE Pepper Course - Self Paced

    • No cost to participant

    • Do at your own pace

    • Click here to register

    • CDE Renewal Hours upon completion of course (will not count toward Horizontal Advancement)

For a full scope of CDE options, visit the CDE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS WEBSITE.

Is this requirement recurring?

No, this is a one-time training requirement.

Do I need to take this training?

The rules for the Colorado READ Act define a kindergarten through 3rd grade teacher as a "professional responsible for the literacy instruction of the student(s) and may include the main instructor for a class, an instructional coach, reading interventionist, special education teacher, Title I teacher or other personnel who are identified as effective in the teaching of reading." If you are unsure if you need to meet this requirement, please contact Erika McNichol (

English Learner Requirements

To help better support students in Colorado who are English language learners, the State Board of Education adopted new rules in June 2018 requiring educators with elementary, math, science, social studies and English language arts (and any middle-level) endorsements to complete Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Education training or professional development (PD). Educators holding these endorsements on a professional license that expires on or after Sept. 1, 2025 must meet this requirement at the time of renewal.

  • You may use Professional Development going back to the beginning of your career and fill out the CDE's matrix when renewing your license.

  • Another option is to complete the D6 Academic Language and Content Achievement Certificate Program (see below for more information). This program is offered in the summer, click here to view and register for summer 2022 course listings. By completing this program, you will be given a certificate of completion that can be submitted to CDE in lieu of completing the matrix.

Updated D6 Academic Language & Content Achievement Certificate Program