Post Sixth Form Options

Options after Sixth Form

There are many options available to you at the end of the sixth form but it is important to consider which one suits you as early as possible, ideally making a plan by the start of year 13 to give yourself the best chance of accessing the opportunities out there. The following are some possible options but they do not include everything so keep an open mind and investigate everything to be sure you have the best plan for you, don't follow the crowd! For more information and guidance on the menu above.

Higher Education

Going to university or college to study for a degree is a popular option that suits many of our sixth form. Be sure to do your homework on both the course and institutions you apply for, make visits and read up on the course to be sure you know what to expect.


Apprenticeships are work based training programmes that include a recognised qualification. The opportunities are expanding all of the time and apprenticeships are available in a wide range of sectors with qualifications up to degree level and beyond. The vacancies are advertised on some central websites but also on employer websites and each employer sets their own recruitment process and deadline for applications. This all means that you need to be proactive and do your research thoroughly to give yourself the best chance of success. Higher and Degree apprenticeships are often very competitive to get into so you will need plenty of evidence of your skills and qualities to stand out from the crowd.

Gap Year

If you are not ready to embark on university life, want to improve your grades, raise funds or travel the world then a gap year might be for you. There are many gap year companies that offer voluntary or paid experiences all around the world for varying lengths of time and greatly varying costs! You may prefer to stay home and earn some money to see you through your studies in the years to follow or to get relevant work experience. Whatever you have in mind make a plan and don't leave it until the last minute.


If you are not planning to go on to higher education or an apprenticeship then you are likely to be seeking full time employment. Prepare your CV and start looking out for suitable vacancies, many jobs are never advertised so don't forget to ask friends and family about potential openings. If possible look for a job with training and career progression opportunities. In some professions this is a great way to get started on the career ladder and learn whilst earning money.

Starting a Business

Not for the faint-hearted but an option for the right person. There are various organisations that can help you get started and offer free advice to young people starting their own business. Be prepared, work hard and maybe you could be the next Dragon in the Den!