Information for Employers

Employers are a key partner in delivering our careers programme and we are always keen to work with employees from a wide range of employment sectors to enhance the career learning and development of our students at all stages of their education.

Examples of employer and employee encounters:

  • Year group assembly presentations to raise awareness of specific career areas and wider employability skills.
  • Focus groups for individual career areas e.g. Medicine, law, finance, engineering
  • Facilitators for our 'Challenge of Management' Event with all Year 12 students.
  • Hosting work experience students for one week block placements or part-time placements over a longer period.
  • Hosting a work place visit to provide insight into a particular field of work.

If you are an employer and would like to know more about how you can support our careers programme, please get in touch with Mrs Jenny Douse, Head of Careers (