Student Happenings

Look at what hatched at Sabrina and Yolanda's house!

Peep! Peep! The chicks are going on an outing!

Check out what Trudy's been up to....

....notice what she has up in the sky!

Welcome to Trudy's Bakery!

All good bakers test their products before serving them to someone else!

Meet Max and Molly .... they landed on Mrs. Heryford's garage roof and stayed for a little visit!

Meet Luna, the newest addition to the Giesbrecht family!

What an adorable puppy; it will be hard to say "no" to those eyes!

Natalie and Carter's milk cow, Penelope, has a new baby calf named, Waffles!

Milk cow solves bottle feeding issues at the Doerksen farm!

Gardening with Natalie and Carter! Wow, are they ever fast!

Ignore the youtube adds that follow the video.

Library Art Month

Look at who landed on Sabrina's bale stack. I wonder if it is Max and Molly?

A new arrival at the Doerksen farm! Stay tuned to see what name they decide on for this beautiful filly....

Trudy is busy sewing a quilt! Stay tuned for the finished product.....