The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Reading Objective: How does The Legend of Sleepy Hollow still capture the imagination of readers today?

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a classic short story. It was also one of the first stories written in Revolutionary America (1790). This classic story has become one of Halloween traditions. Why do readers still love this story today? Be sure to read slow, lookup words you might need to know, and think about what you are reading. Click and hold on a word in SORA to see the definition. You might even want to read this with a parent or sibling. Can you finish this creepy story to find out the surprise ending?

You can find The Legend of Sleepy Hollow assigned to you in Sora. You login to SORA with your student number (9 number) and password.

Virtual Field Trips:

National Geographic


A Tourist’s View

More Information:

Origins of the Headless Horseman

Is there a Harry Potter Connection?

Top 10 Things to Know


Activity 1:

What did they eat in Sleepy Hollow?

Try cooking an item from the Sleepy Hollow dinner party.

What did they eat?

Pumpkin/Apple/Peach Pie


Activity 2:

Perform a Read-Aloud play with your family


Is Diedrich Knicherbocker an unreliable narrator?

Who do you think the headless horseman really is?

Do you think Ichabod Crane has an active imagination? What evidence supports your inference?

How does The Legend of Sleepy Hollow still capture the imagination of readers today?

Are there any other stories or movies where you have noticed artifacts of this tale?

How does The Legend of Sleepy Hollow still capture the imagination of readers today?

Did you like this Book Club book and activities? Please let Ms. Moody know for your chance to win a prize.

A Deep Dive:

An In Depth Summary and Analysis

A Really Deep Dive:

If you still can't get enough of this Halloween classic this Library of Congress special might be for you.

The Library of Congress Special on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow