This pages is full of ways you can help support our classroom as we learn this year.
Check out the links below!

I try to keep a project posted on Donors Choose at all times. You can click the logo picture to the left to see what we are currently requesting funding for and to see what projects we've had funded. This foundation has made so many awesome things possible in my classroom (flexible seating, math manipulatives, technology upgrades, etc.). Any donations are appreciated, tax deductible, and will benefit this year's students as well as students in future years!

I have ALWAYS loved getting books from Scholastic - it's one of my favorite memories from elementary school. Now, much of the ordering is done online and you can also view the monthly flyers online too. Click the logo picture to the left to see what's available for purchase this month. You can also check out my recommendations for students as well as our class wish list. Ordering books for your student from this link is also a way to provide our classroom with free books! Check it out!