Mrs. Bryan

My Husband Joe and I

Happily married! He is from Mesa, Arizona and I am from Mexico City. He is learning to speak Spanish, I hope! Teaching is my life. I have taught for the last 40 years! I have had the opportunity to work in different levels from Preschool to High School through out these years. My philosophy is that every kid is important and they deserved to be respected. They deserved to be guided, loved and cared. I have always thought, that someday I will see them grow and became good citizens. That day I will feel grateful and proud to say that I was part of their lives !

My Family

I had 4 kids, now adults. Three beautiful girls and a handsome son! They are part of my life. My daughters have given me 4 beautiful girls. I love them with all my heart. I have 8 birds. 3 budgies, 4 cocktails and 1 Love Bird. I also like gardening and to read.