

GSD Memorandum 57 on Instructional Texts


Sensitive Materials: Per the passing of HB29 by the Utah State Legislature, some policies are in the process of being updated to be in alignment with the sensitive materials legislation. This portion will be updated with those policies. 

Parental Rights: Please note that these policies should be in keeping with parental rights to academic accommodations and to alternate texts. Parents/guardians have the right to request an alternative text for their child(ren). However, if they request that a text be removed for all (i.e. removal from a library or for classroom instruction), they will need to follow the appropriate process (one is for library and the other is for appeal for instructional texts which is listed below). For information pertaining to library policy, please reach out to your school's library tech coach. 

In accordance with Administrative Rule R277-700-7(4) and Utah code 53G-6-803 teachers must make reasonable accommodations if a student or parent objects to a particular text and establish an alternate way for students to demonstrate mastery in the identified standards. 

Teacher Nomination Form for Texts

GSD Novels-List-Complete