Principal Professional Learning

Principal Professional Learning 2023-2024


Jones Center 


7:30 a.m. Start

7:30-8:00 IDEA & Legal Policy

8:00-9:30 Instructional Leadership

9:30-10:30 Principals Professional Learning Communities


First Wednesdays of the Month

September 6

October 4

November 1

December 6

January – No Meeting

February - 7

March – 13 (Swap week with Principal’s Business Meeting)

April – No Meeting (Spring Break)

May - 1


IDEA & Legal Policy

Provide principals with current and best practices, policies, and procedures on all legal matters.

Instructional Leadership

The Instructional Leadership portion of Principal Professional Learning is to provide principals information on best instructional practices.  Teacher evaluation standards are used to drive the monthly objectives. 

Principal PLC

Provide time for principals to work collaboratively in support of positive change at their school sites and in developing school improvement strategies/action plans designed to increase student achievement within the context of the Strategic Plan. 

*** Afternoon repeat of the Professional Growth and Evaluation Series will be on the same date starting at 1:30 p.m. at the Jones Center.

2023-2024 Scope and Sequence

Principal Professional Learning FAQ


Is attendance each month required for principals?

Yes. The rationale is that this professional learning is a valuable vehicle for increasing understanding, unity, and consistent implementation of the mission/vision/purpose in Granite.

Is repeating the learning objective in professional learning to my faculty required?


What professional learning should I provide during the half days designated for my staff before school starts and during the school year?

Please see the menu of items that are district supported and principal delivered on the site

Will there be a separation of elementary and secondary? 

Yes, elementary will be at the Jones Center.  Secondary will be at the GEC. 

Will there be a repeat session of Instructional Leadership Session in the afternoons?

Yes. See the logistics section above.

I am interested in providing voice and expertise to Instructional Leadership professional learning. How can I participate?

Review the scope and sequence document and identify months you would like to participate in design and delivery. Contact that month's team lead to be added to the team.