Search It!

TRY A SEARCH ON DESTINY DISCOVER OR SORA! You can put key words in the search bar and see what pops up. You can also limit the results to show only titles of books if that's what you're looking for.

If you get stuck, talk to your friends, your teacher, your librarian or your family. They can help you find the perfect book!


For All Authors . . .

  1. Start by going to the FICTION section of your library (FIC). The books are in alphabetical order by the last name of the author. Find the letter of the last name of the author and look on the shelf to see if there are books available. OR

  2. Go to Destiny Discover or Sora on a computer. Select "Author" to limit your search. Then type in the author's name you're looking for. This search will tell you what is available and what is checked out.

WRITER WITH THE SAME FIRST NAME AS YOU (OR WITH YOUR INITIALS): Select "Author" then type in your first name. Try different spellings of the same name if you don't get results. For initials, you might need just to look in the library! Go to the fiction section (FIC) then go to the letter of your last name. Look for someone with the same first initial.

AN AUTHOR WHO GOES BY THREE NAMES: The easiest way to find an author to fit this category is just to look at the books! Go to your fiction section (FIC) and look around. If you get stuck, ask your librarian for help. If you already know the name of the writer you want to search, follow the instructions for all authors, but search only the last name (Rita Willliams Garcia, for example will be in the G's). If you're looking for someone with a hyphen in their name, use the WHOLE hyphenated name to look on Sora or Destiny (include the hyphen!) (Example: Connie Schofield-Morrison would be in the "S's")

COLOR IN THE TITLE: Select "Title" to limit your search. Then try different colors (red, blue, yellow, purple, green, white, black, etc.) until you find a book you want to read!

RECOMMENDED BY A FRIEND OR CLASSMATE: Just ask your friends! What books have they liked to read?

A CHARACTER DIFFERENT FROM YOU IN AT LEAST TWO WAYS: You know you! Just look for a book that features a character who is different from you in two important ways (different gender, ethnicity, religion, age, interests, nationality, etc.). Books can be windows that we look through to help us see how other people live and have experiences that are different from our own.

A CHARACTER SIMILAR TO YOU IN SOME WAY: You know you! Just look for a book that features a character who is THE SAME or somewhat similar to you in some important way (family, challenges, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, interests, etc.). Books can be MIRRORS that reflect who we are too and help us feel confident and understood because we learn we are not alone.

PART OF A SERIES: The simplest way to find a book in a series is to ask your friends, the librarian, or your teacher. You can also browse in your library in the FIC (Fiction) section. Look for books shelved together with the same author, similar book jackets, volume numbers. If you'd like to see a list of suggestions, click HERE.

NON-FICTION Look in the nonfiction (the part with numbers on the spine instead of FIC). Avoid the nonfiction with an E above the number (those books are for younger grades. There is a wide variety of informational books. Read something that interests you! Here is the Dewey Decimal system (what the numbers mean):


Use a simple search in Destiny to find books published the year you were born. Note: paperback books are usually published about one year after the original book comes out. If you find two dates for one book, that might be the issue. You can use any book listed in Destiny under your year of birth!