Fairy Tale/Fable

Fairy tales and fables are traditional tales told from one generation to the next. They usually have a strong moral or message. Sometimes they will involve magic, witches, fairies, princesses, talking animals, or other mystical properties. A fable will have animals as characters, acting like humans and teaching us a human lesson. This category can also include folk tales and tall tales--stories from different cultures. Today many writers create their own folk or fairy tales or take old stories and put a new "spin" on them.

You may read any book you like based on a traditional story, cultural story, fable, or moral tale (or based on the structure and style of these traditional tales). If you have questions or need more ideas, see your school librarian! And remember: one story may fit into several categories, but you can only use it in one. Fairy tales and folk tales are in the "informational" section (sometimes called "nonfiction"): look in section 392.

Here are some ideas of books you might read . . .

Fairy Tales & Fables