Library Resources

Search to find out if we have a book you are looking for and where it is located.

Login to check your library account balance

Check out a digital or audio book to read/listen to on your device(s)

*If you are NOT at school you will need to login with your Student # and password.

Is there a book you want to read that we do not have in our library? 

Fill out the form to request that we add it to our library and you will get to be the first to read it when it comes in.

Do you want to find out what is going on in the library? 

This link will take you to the calendar of events and let you know what activities, clubs, etc. are going on in the library.

The use of technology can be valuable for a student's education. Use of District owned technology and school Internet access is a privilege, which may be authorized as well as withdrawn. 

El uso de la tecnología puede ser valioso para la educación de un estudiante. El uso de la tecnología propiedad del Distrito y el acceso a Internet de la escuela es un privilegio, que puede ser autorizado o retirado.

How to Get a Lunch Pass

To obtain a lunch pass you must check one out from the attendance office before school, after you eat your lunch or between classes.  

There is only space for 30 students during each lunch. 

Students who do not have a lunch pass will be asked to return to the lunchroom. 

Students who do not follow the library policies may be asked to leave.

How to Check Your Library Account

Click on the Destiny link. Login with your credentials (student number & password)  

When you check your library account you will be able to see what books you have checked out and when they are due as well as any library fees you may have.

Library Policies

Book Checkout:

Library Behavior Expectations