Developing Relationships


Welcoming Checklist:

School Tours:

Empower families to see their children in action in the classroom.


Communication Tool: 

Set up a 2-way communication tool like DoJo or Remind. 

Building Relationships Phone Call:

Build relationships with families at the beginning of the year by calling them and asking them questions that will help you as a teacher/ staff understand the family better.  


Deepening Relationships

Home Visits:

Foster positive relationships with your families by doing Home Visits.

Focus Groups:

Receive direct feedback from your families by using district facilitated Focus Groups. 

Family Surveys:

At school events, provide a chance for your families to share their thoughts on a survey.


Link to Learning and Sustaining Relationships

FACE Training:

Invite the Granite FACE Dept. to come present at your PD’s to empower your FACE team or whole school to engage families. 

FACE Team:

Create a team of teachers, admin, and (ideally) parents to meet monthly to discuss family engagement plans at your school.  

Family Night Events:

Using your compact goals, school FACE Team plans events (literacy, math, STEM, mental health) to empower families to support their kids at home.

BIG 3 Standards Night:

Narrow your academic focus to 3 main priorities. Design family nights to share your BIG 3 priorities and teach families how to support their child’s learning.

Home - School Compact:

Create a compact with your staff of the top 3 standards or areas families could support. Let the compact drive your plan family engagement.

Questions for Kids:

Use Dojo/Remind to share what the class learned that day and questions they could ask their children.

I-Ready Math Family Supports

Send the I-Ready Family Letter home each week.  Communicate the unit flow & progression videos weekly to your families. 

OnLine Lesson Share:

Video and share class lessons online with families. Learn how to create and post them.

Parent Cafe:

Discover how to take a school learning goal and share it with your families with a snack. 

Data Folders:

Give your families the opportunity to know where their child is performing by creating and sharing student data folders.