23 July 2021

Dear parents

We've come to the end of the school year, and what an incredible year it has been at Grange Park Primary School! Although it has been another strange year with constantly changing requirements the staff have continued to ensure to give the children the high-quality education they deserve as well as the rich enrichment opportunities they will never forget. I know you will join me in thanking all the staff across the school for their hard work and dedication this year.

It's been great seeing the children involved in our usual exciting activities including school trips, sleepovers, watching a strings concert perform in school, pond dipping, an AMAZING Year 6 production and an enjoyable sports day with the parents! The whole school has also been involved in making a Kindness Quilt, see below for more information- we are looking forward to seeing the end result displayed! I know this year the children have made some very special memories they will treasure. A big thank you to all the parents for your continued support and also the GPPSA and parent helpers who have helped with various fundraising events this year.

So now it is time to say goodbye. To those children in Year 6, we wish you lots of luck as you move on to the next phase in your education. To those changing school we hope you continue to enjoy your learning. For those parents who will be leaving our school we want to thank you for the support you have given over the years. And to those members of staff who are moving on – we wish you every success in your new jobs.

Next year we hope there will be a big step towards normality. I hope you all have a fantastic summer, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you on Thursday 2 September.

Best wishes to you and your family

Tijen Hassan


Term Dates, Holidays and School Closures

Please click link to view term dates for 2021-2022.


A huge congratulations to the 167 children at Grange Park who have achieved 100% attendance for the year to date. What an achievement that is! We are so proud of you!

As we approach the end of the summer term and look forward to the next academic year, it is a good time to review morning routines. Why not pack your child’s lunchbox the night before? Have uniforms ready in advance? Set the alarm clock ten minutes earlier? Turn the TV off in the morning? These small changes can help remove some of the stress points of the morning allowing everyone to be ready to leave home in good time, arrive at school punctually and be ready for the day ahead. If you would like any support or advice on attendance please pop in and see your child’s class teacher or anyone in the leadership team.

We request that, where possible, routine medical and dentist appointments are arranged outside school hours as these appointments will affect your child’s percentage attendance. We do understand that some appointments, such as hospital consultations, are not always possible to arrange outside of school hours. However if your appointment time allows your child to come to school for registration and then leave this will have a positive impact on their attendance figure. Likewise if they are able to be back in school for afternoon registration.

There are 175 non school days a year. This is 175 days to spend on family time, visits, holidays, shopping and other appointments!

Well done to Ash class for having the highest attendance across the whole year. A percentage in the 98s is well worth celebrating. Butterfly class, you came a very close second, keep up the good work and see if next year you can also make it over into the 98%! Broomfield family has also had the highest attendance for the whole year! What an achievement.

Wow! Puma class has done it again! They have had the best attendance overall for the whole year. This is an excellent achievement at the top percentage of 98.81. That is so close to 99! Also a very well done to Willow class who also achieved an extremely high attendance. Being at school is so important and we can see how much you value that.

It's so pleasing to see some of these very high attendance percentages. A big round of applause goes to Dragonfly for having the highest attendance in Oakwood family this year.

The first place for attendance in Trent family this year goes to Kingfisher. Congratulations to the children in this class who have been coming to school each day to ensure they are learning every day.

Keeping Children Safe

Just reminding you of the following changes that will be in place, in line with the new guidance from September:

  • Bubble system: It will no longer be necessary to keep children in bubbles. This means that if your child is attending the Extend Holiday Club they will not be in bubbles. We will go back to having assemblies together in the hall as well as children mixing together at play and lunchtimes.

  • Self-isolation for children: From Monday 16 August, children under the age of 18 years old will no longer be required to self-isolate if they are contacted by NHS Test and Trace as a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case, they will only need to self-isolate if they have COVID-19 symptoms or a positive COVID-19 test result.

  • Face coverings: Face coverings will no longer be advised for staff and visitors either in classrooms, in communal areas or during drop off and pick up (they are currently not advised for children).

  • Start and end of the day: From September we will be reverting back to one drop off and pick up time as logistically this is easier enabling optimal timetabling for the children. As a reminder, the school gates open at 8:30am. Classroom doors open from 8:45am and children should be in class no later than 8:55am for registration. The school day ends at 3:10pm.

As has been the case throughout the pandemic, ensuring the health and safety of our children and staff is our top priority. As such, we will be continuing to encourage good hygiene including regular hand-washing, maintaining appropriate cleaning regimes, keeping occupied spaces well ventilated and following public health advice on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Families travelling abroad should bear in mind the impact on their child's education which may result from any requirement to quarantine or isolate upon return. Please see below the following foreign travel advice:

  • to understand the risks in a country, including the latest COVID-19 restrictions (including for entry), follow the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Travel Advice.

  • to prevent new COVID-19 variants from entering the UK, you should not travel to red list countries.

  • to check what they need to do to travel abroad and return to England.

School Uniform

We believe uniform is important because it plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of the school and setting an appropriate tone. It also gives children a sense of pride in themselves and the school. It is a powerful tool in ensuring all children are included - not made to feel left out for the tracksuit or trainers they are wearing. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct school uniform in September. This also includes children wearing the correct PE uniform (grey joggers and sweatshirt with a logo as well as plain black trainers) to school on their PE days. A full list of our uniform can be found here.

Year 6 Leavers

Lion King Performance

Well done to our super talented Year 6 children, who performed to an extremely high standard in their rendition of The Lion King. It brought tears of joy to our eyes to see the children exuding confidence on stage and collaborating so effectively with one another to put on four incredible performances.

From the acting and singing to the musicians, stage hands and lighting crew, we were blessed with an abundance of talent that came together as one to produce something truly spectacular.

A big thank you to Aran, Laura, Ian and Rebecca for their tireless efforts rehearsing with the children and our wonderful learning support assistants for their help with props and face painting.

We also want to thank the parents for their continued support and we hope those of you that were able to attend enjoyed it as much as we did. For those unable to be there, we have uploaded it in full to the children’s Google Classrooms so be sure to check it out.

Farewell Message to Year 6

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye and to wish the children in year six all the best for their futures. It has been a pleasure getting to know and teach them this year, in person and remotely. They really are such a talented group of children, who astound us every day with their achievements. Never before has a cohort had so many disruptions to their schooling, but despite this they have demonstrated admirable resilience to improving their learning and we are so very proud of their attainment and progress in all areas. We wish them every success in their future endeavours and look forward to them returning to Grange Park one day to share their accomplishments with us or just to come and say hello! We will miss them very much and feel privileged to have been part of their journey.

Here are some photos of the Year 6 children enjoying their leavers party day where they had fun on inflatables including a bouncy castle, hungry hippo game, a giant slide and assault course!

Farewell and Good Luck!

Today we will sadly be saying goodbye to a few members of staff who will be leaving us. Jasmine Stewart, Snowdrop class teacher is leaving us to go and teach in Dubai- we are very sad to see her go- but I’m sure we’ll have an amazing time teaching abroad!

We are also saying a sad goodbye to Stella Andreou, play leader, who is retiring after 17 years! Good luck Stella, and enjoy the next journey in your life! Melissa Petinou is also leaving after working at Grange Park 15 years.

We also say goodbye to Leona Frater, Anette Osafo and Sarah Radhay I'm sure you will join me in thanking them for all their hard work and the best of luck in the future.

Best wishes to Suzanna Saunders who is going on maternity leave and to Ipek Najati who is getting married over the summer!

Curriculum News

Kindness Quilt

Over the last couple of weeks the whole school community has been involved in the creation of ‘The Grange Park Kindness Quilt’. During a whole school assembly led by our MPs, we reflected on the kindness that people showed during lockdown and the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic.

In addition to this, we remembered that kindness breeds kindness. This was evident when Captain Sir Thomas Moore, more commonly known as Captain Tom, at the age of 99, began to walk laps of his garden in aid of NHS Charities.

His goal, to raise £1,000 by his hundredth birthday. Captain Tom united over a million people to show generosity and donate for our NHS, and when the morning of his hundredth birthday arrived, the total raised by his walk passed £30 million. Captain Tom inspired so many people to show generosity and kindness. It was this generosity that inspired our whole school art project.

Using a book called ‘The Kindness Quilt’ by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace for inspiration, we asked all children in the school to pledge an act of kindness for each day of the week.

We then asked children to choose one of their acts of kindness and represent it on a fabric block. Each year group used a different medium to show their act of kindness.

EYFS carefully drew their act of kindness and then coloured it in.

Special paste was used to transfer the image onto the fabric.

Year 1 used fabric paints and cotton buds and painted their AOK in the style of pointillism.

Year 2 and Year 3 used different printing techniques to create their blocks.

Getting creative with her different patterns.

Year 4 tried their hand at applique’, where they created designs using fabric and felt and glued it into place.

Year 5 used photography. They worked with partners to create a freeze frame of an act of kindness. They then transferred this onto the fabric and used embroidery as an embellishment.

Year 6 used embroidery to sew their act of kindness. They certainly showed the school value of resilience and didn’t give up, even when their needle kept on unthreading!

I am sure you are all as excited as we are to see the final product and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our volunteers who have given up their time to help us sew it together. The quilts will be hung in the round hall in September.

School Parliament

Grange Park’s School Parliament has had an incredibly busy year, if not a little strange, what with the first part of their parliamentary responsibilities taking place at home.

The focus for the year was to help improve lunchtimes and well being. To do this they:

  • Set up chat and chill sessions during lockdown.

  • Conducted a pupil voice questionnaire, finding out childrens’ views on lunch, playtime and well being.

  • Helped Karen and Rebecca lead an assembly for Mental Health awareness week and tasked the whole school to complete a nature hunt.

  • Prepared and carried out a meeting with the LEC (Local Education Committee.) Telling them all about the democratic process.

  • Asked Ian to set a Y6 assignment on inspirational quotes, ready to be shared with the whole school on a weekly basis.

  • Created a meeting with the councillors and tasked them to find out that all classrooms had trust boxes and that children could easily access them.

Recently the MPs conducted a learning walk with Rebecca and Clare, Senior Play Leader, observing children’s behaviour in the lunch hall. They looked at manners, noise levels and the kindness that was shown towards each other. They were very pleased with what they saw and said “children were mostly using their indoor voices and were showing kindness towards each other by holding the door open and saying thank you.”. They then worked with Clare and Rebecca to devise a ‘DINE Code of Conduct’ ready for September. Well done School Parliament! What a tremendous impact you have had on Grange Park this year. Thank you for all of your hard work.

Here are some final thoughts from our MPs.

MP for Oakwood family

“This year I have enjoyed speaking out and supporting the classes with their school life.”

MP for Oakwood family

“I would like to say, good luck to everyone in the new year ahead. I have enjoyed meeting new people from different classes and it has been fun to organise things for the whole school."

MP for Grovelands family

"I have enjoyed making a difference to Grange Park and it has made me feel proud and joyful that I was able to take part in many different activities and initiatives."

MP for Grovelands family

"Being a part of School Parliament has been brilliant. I have enjoyed being part of a team that has made Grange Park a better place.”

MP for Broomfield family

“I enjoyed making this school a more eco friendly, caring place. I especially enjoyed creating the Grange Park Nature Hunt and seeing the difference it made, supporting the children of Grange Park ‘Be Connected."

MP for Broomfield family

“I enjoyed being able to lead assemblies with Rebecca and encouraging children to be their best."

MP for Trent Family

“I have enjoyed being able to help the school and encourage everyone to push themselves, making the school a better place.”

MP for Trent Family

“I have enjoyed taking part in helping the school to be a better, healthier place where children feel they can speak to any trusted adult.”

Bug Club

The school has recently purchased a reading programme called Bug Club that will provide the children with a range of reading books over the summer holidays. You have been sent some key information about the website and how to access it. We hope that you and your child will love these books and enjoy reading them at home.

After School Enrichment Clubs

We are pleased that we managed to offer some enrichment clubs this term for the children, which they thoroughly enjoyed. This term saw our first ever ‘Enrichment Showcase’ where parents were invited to come and see what their children had been learning in their clubs and to celebrate their achievements. It has been a huge success and we thank everyone who gave up their time to attend. You’ll be pleased to know that this will be a permanent fixture to celebrate enrichment at the end of each term and we hope that you will join us in celebrating the achievements of our young people.

Year 3 Recorder and Music club proudly played a lively samba number that even included maracas. They played with confidence and it was clear that they have really enjoyed their club this term.

Here we have some of our Year 2’s showcasing their amazing Spanish conversational skills. Well done Year 2.

Art Kidz, one of our external clubs, challenged its participants to freeze frame anything that began with a particular letter. This was the letter ‘o’. Can you spot the otter swimming on its back?

Here are Year 2 displaying their fantastic handball skills.

We are pleased we have been able to offer a range of enrichment clubs next term!

Toscana Strings

We were also lucky enough to have a string ensemble visit our school which children in years 1-5 had the opportunity to see. They performed a range of concerts from the Nutcracker to musical stories about animals and space. There were two violins, a viola, a cello and a double bass. Isabella from Cedar even had the chance to be a conductor for a group activity! Please click on the image to view a short video of the concert.

Times Tables Rockstars

London Rocks

Well done to Neptune class, who came 25th out of 5,000 schools across England in the London Rocks competition. A phenomenal achievement and we are all SO proud of you.

Huge congratulations to the following three children, who were top scorers in the school in the event:

  1. Oliver - 5 Neptune - 25,212 points

  2. Alexander - 5 Mercury - 24,781 points

  3. Kai - 5 Neptune - 19,136 points

You still have until 26 June to help your class win their battle. Keep on rocking!

Over the summer holidays, please ensure you keep practising your times tables. Children in Years 5 and Year 6 should know ALL of their times tables up to 12x12 and those children going into Year 4 will have their multiplication check later in the year, so will also need to have learned them all by then.

Spelling Shed

The results are in from the most recent battles!

Well done to Year 5 Mercury class for achieving 44,286,564 points with Year 2 Kingfisher class in second place with 42,180,441 points. Oak class in third place with 30,810,945 points!

Well done also to the whole of the Trent family again for getting the most points in the family battle!

New battles have already begun with battles with Year 1 vs Year 2, Year 3 vs Year 4, Year 5 vs Year 6 and our family battle between Broomfield, Oakwood, Trent and Grovelands.

Keep spelling and help your class or family to victory!

Sports Update

PE and sport this term has been close to ‘normal’ and we hope that this is a sign of things to come next year. We have had many sporting successes. Our boys football teams remained unbeaten in all their matches and were champions in the Haringey football tournament. Our girls football team were also unbeaten which was excellent as many players came from year 5. The Grange Park Athletics squad performed heroically and were crowned champions of Enfield. However our biggest sporting success this term was giving the opportunity to over 75% of year 6 children to play in school teams.

Another huge step to normality was Sports Day. The children all had a fantastic time and it was so heartwarming to have been able to invite parents to come and watch! We managed to have sports day for every class across the school even though we did have to reschedule some classes a few times! Thank you parents for coming along, the children really did enjoy sharing their sports day with you!

Keep Playing Sport!

Book Reviews

Each edition there will be a book review written by a child in different year groups. Here are 3 book reviews for The Story Zone below:

Year 1 Book Review by Azaria -

Little Red Riding Hood by Mike Gordon

This is a fairy story about a little girl who is going to visit her Grandma. Grandma is not well and is in bed. Little Red Riding Hood walks to her grandma's house through the forest and meets a wolf. The wolf is a hungry wolf. Read more to find out what happens next in the story.

Year 4 Book Review by Alexa - Jaguar class

Mr Stink by David Walliams

Mr Stink is a lonely man who always sits on a bench in town. Nobody ever comes and has a chat with him until one day a young girl called Chloe comes by. Chloe is lonely too and they make friends, and Chloe desperately wants to keep him in her house so he won't have to sleep outside any more. She sneaks him into the shed.

One day Chloe forgets his breakfast and Mr Stink comes knocking on the window when the Times journalist is there interviewing Chloe's mum because she wants to be prime minister. In the end the story is a little bit sad but you'll have to read it for yourself to find out what happens.

Year 6 Book Review by Perissa - Picasso class

Queenie by Jacqueline Wilson

In Queenie, the main character Elsie lives with her nan (who she loves very much) in her small flat. One day, she doesn't come home from work. When the policeman turns up at Elsie's door she gets very frightened. It turns out that her nan has collapsed – will she get better again?

Like the Hetty Feather series, Queenie is set in the past. Elsie lives in London in 1953, the year that Princess Elizabeth became queen. Back then the medicine wasn't as good as it is today so there were more illnesses around. This book is about one of the serious illnesses of that time, tuberculosis. I have read this book twice and I would recommend it to people who like sad but interesting stories set in the past.

Talents and Interests

Mikey featured in the Enfield Independent this week! BBC London News were also in school today filming Mikey in school with his friends and teachers playing football- Look out for it in the BBC London News!

Congratulations to Perissa in Picasso class for making it to the final of Enfield Piano competition. A number of children from school sent in a video entry. Paula Warren, the organiser said:

"The competition in all groups was very strong this year so your pupils should be very proud of themselves to have made it to the final. Many thanks for your support. I hope your pupils will feel inspired to come back and try again next year."

Other News

Extend Holiday Club

There are still some places on certain days for the holiday Club! Contact Extend via email extend@grangeparkprimaryelt.org for more information!

Please click below to read what activities will be happening each week.

Week 1 Nature Week 26-30 July

Week 2 Science Week 2-6 August

Week 3 Beach Week 9-13 August

Week 4 Superhero Week 16-18 August

Extend - Breakfast and Afterschool Club

Extend breakfast and afterschool club are still taking bookings for next year. Contact Extend via email extend@grangeparkprimaryelt.org for more information!

Breakfast Club

Start: 7:40am

Finish: 8:45am

Cost: £5 (including a snack)

After school Club

Start: 3:10pm

Finish: 5:50pm

Cost: £12 (including a snack)


Look what we the children have been getting up to in our Extend club...

It’s been a strange year and we haven’t been able to play as we normally would but we’ve still had fun.

Extend have so many wonderful activities planned after the holidays and we can’t wait!

Enjoying drawing.

The younger children playing together.

Do you have any unused instruments?

Just a little reminder....

Do you have a trombone or oboe sitting in the corner of your attic or garage that hasn't been played since you were at school? Would you like to put it to good use again?

Debbie is looking for donations of any musical instrument to display in the music class.

If you have any instruments you are happy to donate which would benefit the children, do get in touch via the school office. Small to medium only please - just don't have room for a piano!

What's going on in the local area?

Safe and Sustainable School Travel are holding a second hand bike sale at Broomfield Park, Palmers Green. Click for more details.

Enfield Public Health are funding a family fitness parks programme to encourage families in Enfield to be active and have fun together..

The Enfield Town Junior Parkrun has re-started. Taking place in Enfield Town Park, junior parkrun is a great way to get involved and introduce children to a sport without any of the normal outside pressures.

Together Unlocked is a summer festival of activities. Free Activities for young people who live or attend a school in Enfield.

If you love reading as much as we do, and your reading list is growing by the second, then this challenge is for you.

The Wild World Heroes summer reading challenge is here.

All you need to do is sign up and choose a summer reading goal - they recommend six books but you can challenge yourself to read as many as you like. Each time you finish a book, add it to your website profile to unlock special badges and activities. You’ll unlock a Wild World Heroes certificate when you reach your summer reading goal.

As with all activities that use the internet, please make sure that your child is safe. Here are some handy tips to help.



Don't forget to follow us on twitter to keep up to date with all the news and events happening at Grange Park Primary!


News and Updates

We are the official fundraising arm of Grange Park Primary and look to bring parents, families, friends, staff and local communities together socially to support our school.

As the academic year comes to an end we wanted to update you on the amazing fundraising we have been able to undertake during a very difficult year. Thank you to everyone who has donated. The GPPSA is key to fostering excellent relationships between parents and their children’s school as well as assisting with necessary fundraising, which ultimately benefits the children.

Due to the COVID restrictions being extended in July, we were unable to have the Summer festival. Thankfully, we were able to keep the donation that Havilands made to the GPPSA which amounted to a total of £390. Thank you to all the parents for agreeing to allow Havilands to place advertising boards outside of their homes.

With this and other previous initiatives, we are thrilled to have raised a total of £5,559 this academic year so far!

We’ve also had a number of fundraising events take place in July including, Bags2school, Non Uniform Day, a Summer Raffle, Ice lolly sale and of course there is the ‘Bend the Rules’ day taking place today. These funds have not been added to the total yet. We will update on the numbers in the new academic year.

The committee has created a calendar of events for the next academic year to help fund soundproofing the Dining Hall at the school. This is following some feedback the students and teachers have given, where the sound levels at times can be too high. The calendar will be circulated in September. We are hoping that we can have some “in person” events so that we can continue to build and grow the GPPSA community.

The Gingerbread man sale was a raving success, having amassed a total of £627 for the school. A big thank you to everyone that contributed and especially to the Pantry!

Looking to Help?

The GPPSA would like to remind all that without your support none of the fundraising is possible. If you would like to get more involved in anyway please let us know at gppsa@hotmail.co.uk or speak to any of the committee directly.

We have a WhatsApp helpers group where information is shared and everyone is welcome to join! Please contact us to find out more.

GPPSA Vacancy

The GPPSA is also looking for a new Secretary. Please do let us know if you are interested at gppsa@hotmail.co.uk or speak to any of the committee directly. Without a Secretary the GPPSA cannot continue.

Our Social Media Platforms

Click to go to our Facebook page.

Go to instagram and follow us @Grangeparkprimaryassociation

Easy Ways to Help the GPPSA Raise Funds

At this difficult time face to face, group fundraisers are not allowed so again we have set up a fund page for anyone that would like to donate, any donation of any size will be gratefully received and help fund the items for the children that the school has prioritised for this year.

Signing up to easyfundraising which turns your everyday online shopping into FREE donations. Please click on the image.

Using the Amazon Smile link when buying items by pressing the logo and search for Grange Park Primary School Association. If you are buying anything from AMAZON please use the AMAZON SMILE app on your phone. Just go into your settings and convert your original app to the smile version and pick Grange Park Primary School as your charity.

A percentage of the sale comes directly to the school so it’s a very easy way for us to make ££ at this time. Click on the image to find out more.

Entering our school lottery - tickets are only £1 per week. There is a guaranteed winner each week and a chance to win £25,000! Click on the image to find out more.

Looking to get some new name stickers to personalise all your child’s uniform, shoes, books etc? Simply log onto the website as normal, shop and at the end add in our unique code 65741 before you check out. 24% from each order will be donated to our school. See the flyer on our website page for more information. Click on the image to find out more.

Stamptastic is the fastest way to name all your belongings. A personalised stamp made in the UK, usable on fabric, metal, wood and some plastics. No more sewing or ironing in labels! Please note that 20% commission from each order will be donated to our school. Click on the image to place your order.

One of the easiest ways for us to make money on our two Fayre/Festival days is through stall matching. If you work for any of these corporates or another company, please ask your HR department about Stall Matching and let the committee know.

Offers and discounts

Looking for a fun and crafty activity your kids will love? Try a Free ToucanBox (Click this link), P&P only and our school will receive £5. You can cancel the subscription at any time.

Year Group News


Our Nursery children have been on a wonderful journey this year with each other: they have been making friends and learning to learn independently and with one another. As part of the whole school Art Project to make a Kindness Quilt, the children shared happy memories of school and times when they have been kind to others and their friends and been kind to them.

These Acorns are drawing their happy memories.

"My mummy and my sister." Shanvi - Acorn

Adding some magic paste and it appears on fabric!

The children created kindness drawings and especially enjoyed the magic of using ‘image transfer paste’; to make their drawing appear on fabric! It was so lovely to hear the children sharing their memories with each other. So much kindness in Acorn class. Well done everyone.

"My mummy, daddy, sister Sofia, Matteo and an apple to share."

Luca - Acorn

"My mummy, daddy and my sisters, we happy because we go to the park"

Lavinya - Acorn

"It's a rainbow, Mummy likes rainbows."

Olivia - Acorn


Reception have been continuing their ‘Living and Growing’ learning quest topic and have enjoyed a wonderful trip to Paradise Wildlife Park. The topic has enabled the children to explore a variety of different living things covering plants, animals and even dinosaurs.

At the park, the children were able to see many animals in a variety of different habitats such as; penguins, monkeys and zebras. We discussed and asked questions such as ‘Why do the monkeys have trees in their habitat?’ and ‘Why do the penguins need water?'

They were also lucky enough to see some of the animals being fed including the lions and the meerkats. We then discussed which animals are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and the difference in their diet.

They also noticed that some animals were asleep whilst we were visiting them, which led to questions such as, ‘Why are some animals awake but some are asleep?’ By discussing that some animals are nocturnal the children were then able to suggest other animals which they knew were also nocturnal such as owls and badgers.

The children also really enjoyed the dinosaur experience at the park. We discussed how dinosaurs are now extinct, the children were amazed at how big they were and really enjoyed the challenge of trying to sound out their very long names!

Year 1

In Year 1 we have been busy creating our final piece in Art. We used different paint techniques to create a space collage in the style of artists Peter Thorpe and Jackson Pollock. We added 3D elements to our collages to represent outer space. Here are some quotes from Year 1 children on their art project. Also some fantastic artwork of rockets in space.

“This is the best lesson ever!” Kharaman, Grasshopper

“This is so fun!” Imaan, Ladybird

“I painted my background like Jackson Pollock!” Nikol, Dragonfly

Alex - Grasshopper classs

Dea - Grasshopper class

Lily-Rose - Grasshopper class

Adam - Grasshopper class

Year 1 also had an visual session visiting the planetarium.

The children learned about the solar system.

Looking at 'men on the moon'.

Learning about astronauts and their journey through space.

Year 2

In maths, Year 2 has been learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minute.

We counted in 5’s, identified the minute and hour hand. Also, we identified the ‘past’ and ‘to’ sides.

Finally, we were able to make and show different times including o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to, 5 minute to and 5 minute past.

Year 3

We were delighted at the fact that the children in Year 3 and Year 4 had the opportunity to have their Grange Park sleepover residential this year. All this before sharing some pizza and having some songs around the campfire in the evening and settling down for the night.

Over the past two Fridays, the pupils have enjoyed an activity filled day of team building events, sporting activities and orienteering tasks.

Year 3 pupils slept over in classes with mats and sleeping bags while Year 4 braved the elements outside in tents. It was a brilliant time and a fantastic way to round off a long year.

One of the activities was making rafts using lollipop sticks. Everyone managed to make their rafts float and some even managed to carry a light ball or other object.

The children worked well in teams to contribute their ideas and solve the challenge together.

Year 4

In year 4, it is all about finishing the year how we started…. With some high quality learning and exciting things happening.

This term, as part of our PE curriculum, the children have been going to Arnos Grove for swimming lessons. Refining their techniques and developing their water confidence has been brilliant and one that the children have really enjoyed.

In Science, we have been looking at classifying creatures and animals based upon their specific features and body types. As part of exploring this, we have been some of the first classes to go dipping for animals in our new pond at Grange Park before recording and analysing our findings.

Finally, we had the year 3&4 sleepover, a lovely way to finish the year and an exciting opportunity to spend the night in school, playing games, completing activities and spending time with their friends before they venture forward into Year 5.

The Year 4 team would also like to take the opportunity to thank all the parents for their continued support this year and wish all the children and parents a restful summer break and a fantastic next year and beyond.

Year 5

This term, the children have been exploring the British coastline, looking at key features such as stacks and stumps, coves and headlands and how they have been created.

I am sure you will agree that the outcome has been worth the time and effort put in.

Using our prior knowledge of rocks and soils, the children investigated how a range of forces have managed to shape the coastline we know today. Not only that, but we have investigated how the British coastline is under threat with coastal erosion, and came up with a range of strategies to defend the land and prevent longshore drift.

Lexie M and Amelia - Jupiter class

Running alongside this, the children have had a great time researching, designing and building our very own Ferris Wheels as a tourist attraction for a British seaside town.

Austin and Eshan

Constructing these wheels in pairs, the children have learnt so many skills as well as developing their teamwork.

Seraphina and Brooke - Jupiter class

I am sure you will agree that the outcome has been worth the time and effort put in.

Year 6

This month Year 6 went to PGL in Bawdsey Manor for their residential trip. Whilst there, the children spent each day taking part in a variety of adventurous activities including zip wiring, abseiling and buggy building. The children were also fortunate enough to learn some essential survival skills like how to pitch a tent in the wilderness and even how to make fire with very little tools to help. Throughout the trip, they learnt some extremely important life lessons that will hold them in good stead for the future and they did it all with big smiles on their faces! The children displayed outstanding behaviour while we were there and the staff were extremely proud of the maturity they showed over the entire week. Well done Year 6, I am sure you will always remember this special time you spent together as will the adults.

Building tents in the wilderness

Team building activities


Buggy building