22 July 2022

Creating foundations for bright futures 

Dear parents

We've come to the end of the school year and what a wonderful year it has been at Grange Park Primary School!  The Year 6 have performed their end of year production to the children and parents and what a truly incredible performance of Aladdin it was! The children performed with such confidence, enthusiasm and happiness - well done!

There have been many more highlights this year including the toasting of marshmallows at the Year 3&4 sleepover; the Dance Showcase at the Summer Fayre (weren't the children just great?!); Sports Days (which we managed to get through without changing the date!); fabulous concerts; trips and many more enrichment experiences the children have taken part in.  I know you will join me in thanking all the staff across the school for their hard work and dedication this year.  All our staff always go the extra mile to give all the children the best education they deserve.  

A big thank you to the GPPSA Committee members and parent helpers who have helped with various fundraising events this year.   We have had such a successful year of fundraising events including the Summer Fayre which raised a whopping £7,500 - the most it's ever raised!  Thank you to everyone who came to the fayre, gave donations and volunteered their own time.  A special thank you to Caley Boland, parent from Dragonfly and Tulip, who donated and cooked all the food for the summer fayre- it was delicious!  

The GPPSA not only raises money for the school but brings families, friends, staff and the local community together socially to support the school.  Next year we do need more help on the GPPSA Committee otherwise it won't be able to continue.  Alexia and Chris, Co-Chairs are stepping down next year due to work commitments, so we are looking for a new chair/s as well as members for the social committee and volunteers to help out with events across the year.  Please look out for more information in September about how to get involved! 

So now it is time to say goodbye. To those children in Year 6, we wish you lots of luck as you move on to the next phase in your education.   To those moving school we hope you continue to enjoy your learning.  For those parents who will be leaving our school we want to thank you for the support you have given over the years.   And to those members of staff who are moving on – we wish you every success in your new jobs.

Thank you parents for your continued support throughout the year.  Wishing you all a brilliant summer holiday and see you back to school on Monday 5 September.  

With my very best wishes to you and your family

Tijen Hassan


Term Dates, Holidays and School Closures

Please click link to view term dates for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023.

Dates for Meet the Teacher - Autumn 2022

We are pleased to be inviting parents to come into school to Meet The Teacher in your child’s new classroom.  This is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s new teacher as well as finding out about key information and dates for your child’s class.  Please see details on the table. 

Keeping Children Safe

Water Safety

It is worth remembering that during the school holidays, and in particular in hot weather,  increasing numbers of children and young people are drowning. On average, there are 50 of  these tragedies each year in the UK. 

Tips for staying safe in the water this summer from Swim England: 

1. Should you be swimming here? 

Before going in the water anywhere outdoors, ask yourself whether you should be  swimming there. Look for warnings or guidance signs which may alert you to  dangerous places to swim. Is there a safe place to enter and exit the water? If the  answer is no, look for somewhere else. 

2. Don’t expect a solid pool floor

So it might sound obvious, but when you’re swimming outdoors – unless you’re in  one of the many fantastic lidos around the country – you won’t have a secure, solid  pool floor underneath you. The bed of a lake, river or the sea will rarely provide a  completely solid footing, and there may well be other obstacles and hazards  underwater that you cannot see. 

3. Do expect a current

Anyone who has swum in a lake or the sea will know just how hard it is to swim in a  straight line. Rip currents, waves and tides will move you in different directions in  the water. Always check the tidal activity before you go in so you know what to  expect. Also, breathe away from waves and keep an eye on the shoreline. You  should always swim parallel to the shore in standing depth water. 

4. Once you’ve cooled down, dry off

Outdoor swimming is cold! And that’s perfect if you want to cool down on a hot day.  But until you’re in the water, you don’t know quite how cold it is, so make sure you  enter the water slowly and safely rather than jumping in. Once you have cooled off 

and your body temperature has reduced, it’s time to get out of the water. Do not  stay in cold water once your body is starting to shiver. 

5. Don’t go out on your own

You aren’t allowed to swim in a pool without supervision, so don’t go swimming  outdoors without anyone around. The safest and best places to go swimming  outdoors will have lifeguards on duty, and you will be much safer swimming with  friends than on your own. 

6. Stay calm and signal

If you do get into difficulty swimming outside, stay calm and signal to shore for help.  Fight the instinct to swim harder and against the water. 

7. Dial 999 to help others

If you see someone else in trouble in deep or rough water, do not go into the water  to help them. Too many people drown trying to save other people or their pets.  Instead, call 999 or alert a lifeguard immediately. Look for something that floats  which you can throw to them. 

Dangers Around The Water  

Let’s take a look at seven things to watch out for: 

1. Slippery banks – the banks on rivers and lakes can be very slippery, making it hard to  exit the water. 

2. Waste – unfortunately, some people dump their rubbish into our waterways. This  can harm you if you touch sharp or entangling objects. 

3. Pollution – some waterways contain dangerous chemicals which can hurt you. 

4. Currents – underwater currents can be very strong and sweep you away from safety  within seconds. 

5. Cold temperatures – open water in the UK remains cold all year round. This can cause  your muscles to stop working properly. It can also make you gasp for air, potentially  causing you to breathe in water. 

6. Water levels – the depth of open water changes drastically. This can make wading  treacherous, and means you should never dive in without knowing the water’s  depth. 

7. No lifeguard – swimming in the great outdoors means that you may be very isolated  and that nobody will be there to help if things go wrong. 

If you want to go swimming, it is much safer to go to a purpose-built swimming pool with a  lifeguard present at all times.

Further information is available: 

Always Stars

Here are the names of our Always Stars from Summer 2 - well done children!


We have been busy this week organising 35 certificates for all the pupils with 100% attendance for the whole academic year! These wonderful children have shown resilience and responsibility by being at school every day this academic year. WOW!

At Grange Park Primary School we pride ourselves on the high standards the children achieve and the quality of the teaching and learning we provide. Children who attend school regularly fully benefit from our quality first teaching and this ensures that they make good progress and achieve their full potential.

At Grange Park we aim to ensure our attendance is above 97%

2021 2022 academic year attendance in the table shown.  As you can see unfortunately not one class met our target of 97%.  We therefore have to all work hard to ensure that children come to school every day. Every minute counts. 

Parents should ensure that they try and make any appointments for children out of school hours.  Request for leave for holidays will be unauthorised and may result in the Local Authority being informed. 

School Uniform 

We believe uniform is important because it plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of the school and setting an appropriate tone.  It also gives children a sense of pride in themselves and the school.  It is a powerful tool in ensuring all children are included - not made to feel left out for the tracksuit or trainers they are wearing.  Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct school uniform in September.  This also includes children wearing the correct  PE uniform (grey joggers and sweatshirt with a logo as well as plain black trainers) to school on their PE days.  A full list of our uniform can be found here.

Talents & Interests

Talents and Interests Assembly

During our talents and interest assembly the children had the opportunity to find out about the many talents and interests that some of our staff members have.

We found out that Elena, Assistant Headteacher and Puma class teacher, is a keen runner and has taken part in three mini marathons. Each time, Elena raised money for a  very good cause, Macmillan cancer research, a charity which is close to her heart.

Ernest, Year 2 Achievement Leader and Kingfisher class teacher, is an amazing artist who has used his skills to develop his talent in wood carving and block printing. He told us that when he was younger  he really enjoyed drawing and from there his talent flourished. He has even sold a few pieces.

Next we had the great pleasure of enjoying an inspiring rendition of ‘Proud of your boy’, a song from the Year 6 production by Aran, Monet class teacher. Did you know that Aran used to be in a band?

We also heard from Rebecca, Deputy Headteacher, who told us about her sewing capabilities. Over the years, self taught Rebecca has honed her skills so that she is now able to make her own clothes and home furnishings. 

Finally, the children were excited to see Debbie Hagen, Music and Cedar class teacher or should we say juggling extraordinaire, delight us with a quick lesson in juggling. She spoke to us about the importance of having a growth mindset, a can-do attitude and that practice makes perfect.

We also found out about the amazing achievements made by some of the  children in Y1-6. Well done everyone who has worked hard this term, developed new interests and taken part in a club both inside and outside of school. 

Talents and Interests Summer 2

Well Done Grange Park Pupils! 

A big well done to Phoebe in Jaguar class who has raised £1540 for the Little Princess Trust. The Little Princess Trust is charity that raises money for children who lose their hair due to illnesses. 

We are extremely proud of her raising money for such a great cause!  And it was totally her idea! 

We have fantastic news that four Grange Park children have been selected as a finalists in this year’s piano competition. Many congratulations! There were some very strong entries in all categories this year so they should be very proud of themselves. Should any of them win their category the school will also win a prize of £100 for our music department. 

The successful children are Christopher in Saturn, Connie in Leopard, Mili in Saturn and James in Mercury. 

Here's a short video from Rory in Year 1 on his Home Learning Project about Space.  It features a personal message from Tim Peake himself! It is really creative and impressive! Well done Rory, it's fantastic to see how enthusiastic you are about learning! 

Password to access the video:  GrangeParkTim.  I know the children, especially in year 1 will enjoy watching the video! 

Curriculum News

Forest School

Our aim is to provide children with opportunities to develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a natural environment which foster self-motivated, resilient, independent and creative learners who can identify and manage risks as well as solve problems. 

Weekly Forest School sessions for our Reception children started in the Spring term. Working together outdoors has encouraged communication and developed expression of thoughts and ideas, alongside the ability to listen to others. Fine motor and gross motor skills have also been developed, as well as stamina. 


 Constructing hammocks.

Identifying minibeasts.

Nursery children enjoyed a day of Forest School in the Summer term.

All together at base camp.     

Bug hunting.  

Nature inspired artwork.

All our Year 3 and 4 children have had a day of Forest School activities this half term. These have ranged from team building games and den building to promote communication and problem solving, to using tools safely for a range of crafts.

Problem solving.

 Team building. 

Risk taking.

Forest School has been a huge success this year. The use of learner-led outcomes increases curiosity and motivation to learn. This motivation can have a positive impact on attitude to learning across the whole curriculum.

For 2022-23 we intend to increase opportunities for children to experience Forest School starting in the Autumn term with Years 1 and 2.

Grange Park Allotments

The allotments are looking great! 

 Our giant sunflowers are still growing - who knows how tall they will get?

Our mini sunflowers are in bloom now. The wildflower bed is a little past its best but still full of camomille, poppies, cornflowers and marigolds to attract much-needed wildlife.

Here are some lovely spring onions amongst other nice vegetables. 

Ready for harvesting are golden courgettes, broad beans, beetroots, spring onions, chives and mint.  We took these along to the food bank at St Peter’s Church. 

Some thank-yous needed: Thank you to all those parents who stopped to comment on them at the summer fayre. It’s lovely to know that the whole school community is enjoying seeing them. A huge thank you to Arasi and the AOK children who come every lunchtime and do an amazing job.  

Thank you to the parents who came to do some much needed weeding. 

Finally a big big thank you to Elaine Tatch who is in charge of the allotments. Elaine has planned what needed to be planted, harvested and organised the  children and other adults to plant, weed and harvest.  Elaine also gives up her time to water the allotments regularly.  Thank you Elaine! 

We are discussing plans to link up with Elizabeth Lodge care home next year to see if they would like to help with planting seeds for the allotments.

Times Tables Rockstars

Well done to our top performers over the last 14 days:

Biggest improvement in accuracy

Most coins earned

Correct Answers

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ensure that your child keeps practising their times tables over the summer. It is an extremely important part of maths that will put them in such a strong position for September.

Farewell Year 6! 

We would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye and to wish the children in year six all the best for their futures.  They really are such a talented group of children, who astound us every day with their achievements.  We wish them every success in their future endeavours and look forward to them returning to Grange Park one day to share their accomplishments with us or just to come and say hello! We will miss them very much and feel privileged to have been part of their journey.

Here are some photos of the Year 6 children enjoying their leavers party day where they had fun on inflatables!

Signing their Year 6 leaver's books

Hungry Hippos in action

Who's going to win the wacky inflatable race

Information for Parents

Don't forget end of the day will change to 3:25pm! 

Changes to the timing of the end of the day from September 2022

From September the timings of the end of the day will change to 3:25pm for all the children in reception-year 6.  

The timing for the beginning of the day will remain the same: 

The nursery class timings will remain the same:

After school enrichment clubs will finish later at 4:30pm and the Extend Afterschool club will finish at the same time as normal at 5:50pm.  

Extend Holiday Club 

There are still some places left for Extend Holiday Club! 

Dates: Monday 25th July to Wednesday 17th August 2022

Times: 8:30am to 5:50pm Parents who have booked can drop off and collect at any time.

Price: £25 per day

How to book: Email us at extend@grangeparkprimary.org if the deadline has been missed. 

There is a different theme each week where children can participate in fun activities that will capture their imagination, curiosity, physicality and creativity.  See below to discover what the children will be up to day to day.

Summer Holidays: 10 Fun Things to Do (that won’t cost an arm and a leg)

Keeping the kids occupied over the summer is always a feat, with so many weeks stretching ahead of you and the time, exercise and expense of it all. Here are some great ideas that won’t cost an arm and a leg to keep your children busy.

1. Spend the Day at the Park

On a sunny day, a visit to a nearby park is great fun. Most have attractions such as nature trails or cycle paths, plus they are free, so grab your bikes and head out for a great day full of family activities!

Handy Resources: See Green Flag awards to find your nearest park or National Trust for a summer garden near you.

2. Hit the Beach

We all love the beach, so a day out with sun, sand and sea will definitely satisfy all family members! You can head out with a picnic to your local spot or discover new ones where you can swim, fish in the rock pools or even find a beach side fun fair to amuse yourselves.

3. Visit a Farm

Whether it’s a local farm or a well-known attraction, taking the children to spend some time with farm animals is magical. They will love stroking the rabbits or feeding the lambs, and many farms offer other activities such as tractor riding, strawberry picking or maize mazes; a perfect day out for the summer holidays or on the weekend!

Handy Resources: See Pick your own farms to find your nearest farm.

4. Watch a Film at the Cinema

Normally a visit to the cinema can leave you reeling from the cost, but during the summer holidays, many cinemas offer special screenings especially for children where tickets can cost £2.50 or less! This means that taking your children to see a movie with some popcorn will be a real treat (and affordable)!

Handy Resources: See kids screenings in the summer holidays with Vue, Odeon or Cineworld.

5. Explore the Community

Is there anything going on in your local community? Sometimes there can be a local festival, county fair or free event going on around your area without you even knowing, so it is always worth a check. Remember to pick up tourist brochures or check social media for things that are going on.

6. Get Creative at Home

You don’t have to go out to have fun, just make your own at home! Why not teach your children your favourite baking recipes, make your own garden den or create a treasure hunt? You could even camp outside just for fun. The only limit is your imagination!

7. Participate in Free Outdoor Sports

The summer is full of free activities and classes that children can take, you just have to know where to look. It’s true, you can treat your children to football coaching, tennis coaching, swimming session, park runs and much more, and it’s all free for you!

Handy Resources: Get involved and see Swim Safe, Tennis for Free, ParkRun and FA Skills for more information.

8. Discover History with Free Museums

Perfect for those rainy days are free museums! Mix up the summer holidays with a visit to the National History or Science Museum and explore the exhibitions with your children. Not only will they find a lot of fun activities for children, but they will also learn something new too!

9. 2 for 1 Attractions

Do you remember those vouchers on the Kellogg’s cereal boxes? If you cut them out and collect them, now is the time to use them! These vouchers allow you one ‘free’ adult entry per voucher for a whole range of attractions and Merlin theme parks, once you purchase one ticket to the attraction. Think how many you can get free for Sea Life, Madame Tussauds or Alton Towers? You could take the whole family!

Handy Resources: See GrownUpsGoFree for the full list of attractions!

10. Take Part in Store Activities

During the summer holidays, many stores offer free activities at certain times of the day for children. How cool is that? Can you imagine how excited your child would be to head to the Disney Store to make their own Frozen bookmark or to race Disney Pixar Cars on a real race track? Even the Lego store, Pets at Home and Hobby Craft offer fun workshops for children.

Handy Resources: Find a free activity near you at Pets at Home, The National Gallery, Dobbies, The Disney Store and Hobby Craft.


So, what are you waiting for? These are incredibly fun and mostly free activities for you to do with your children in the summer holidays! We look forward to hearing all about them when your children return to us in Autumn!

Holiday and Food Programme (HAF)

Please see the poster for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) summer 2022. This is a DfE funded programme running in Enfield between 25 July and 26 August. Children and Young People in receipt of benefits related free school meals can receive up to 16 days of free fun and food across Enfield. Each day will include a nutritious hot meal, snacks and a selection of activities ranging from football and swimming to coding and cooking.

The system is based on parents/guardians declaring their status. To use the booking system parents will need to:



Parents will then be sent an email confirming the booking.  Please note you do not need a code or voucher.

During the booking process parents will be asked if they are in receipt of benefits related free school meals, if they click yes they can proceed. If they do not receive these benefits they will have to contact the provider directly.

Pre-Loved Uniform Smiths Schoolwear

Please see the poster regarding Smiths Schoolwear Pre-Loved Scheme. Parents can shop Pre-Loved items online at www.smithsschoolwear.co.uk at a fraction of the original cost. This scheme has been incredibly successful in the last two years since we launched it and we thought your parents would benefit from knowing about it! Parents are welcome to buy or donate where we have the space.

Free Swimming Lessons this Summer

Young people in Enfield will be able to take advantage of free swimming sessions at the borough’s five Council owned pools after Enfield Council agreed to fund thousands of swimming sessions over the summer holidays.

You can book the one hour sessions here they are being held at Southbury Leisure Centre, Edmonton Leisure Centre, Arnos Pool, Southgate Leisure Centre and Albany Leisure Centre.

The offer will run between 25 July and the week beginning 29 August. It is strongly recommended that you book online as demand is expected to be high.

You can find out more by watching the short video https://youtu.be/1M1XbZ1GBNw

BeeZee Bodies Online Academy

BeeZee Academy offers free online courses that can help you to understand, and improve, your family’s health habits. There are no appointments to keep, you just simply log on and learn in your own time, making changes at your own pace.

BeeZee Bodies, have spent 15 years working with thousands of families to live healthier and happier lives and are free to families living in Enfield,

To access the free courses, enrol by 29 July 2022, by clicking the link here

Other News

Baby News!

Many congratulations to Puja who has given birth to a baby boy and congratulations to Ipek who has given birth to baby boys! Sending you both our very best wishes! 

Appeal for Nurturing Provisions

We are kindly requesting fidget toys/board games/small toys to help nurture the children at our school. Please drop off any donations to the school office or directly to Claire Hollingbery if you catch her at the school gates. 

Stationary for school

From September we are asking children from Year 1- Year 6 to bring their own pencil case and stationary to school which many schools are requesting now.  This enables children to take care and have a sense of responsibility for their own belongings.  Please see the list  with a link to Amazon to where you can order the items from: 

Queen Elizabeth Books

In honour of Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee 2022, this once in a lifetime history book for kids tells the story of a young princess who grew up to become our longest reigning monarch, and celebrates the achievements, people and places that have become part of her remarkable legacy. This book was handed out to all the children and it is a pleasure to say it was well received!



Don't forget to follow us on twitter to keep up to date with all the news and events happening at Grange Park Primary!


News and Updates

We are the official fundraising arm of Grange Park Primary and look to bring parents, families, friends, staff and local communities together socially to support our school.

Looking to Help

Click to go to our Facebook page. 

The GPPSA would like to remind all that without your support none of the fundraising is possible. If you would like to get more involved in anyway please let us know at gppsa@hotmail.co.uk or speak to any of the committee directly.

Go to instagram and follow us @Grangeparkprimaryassociation

We have a WhatsApp helpers group where information is shared and everyone is welcome to join! Please contact us to find out more.

Here is a fund page for anyone that would like to donate, any donation of any size will be gratefully received and help fund the items for the children that the school has prioritised for this year.

Signing up to easyfundraising which turns your everyday online shopping into FREE donations. 

 Please click on the image.

Using the Amazon Smile link when buying items by pressing the logo and search for Grange Park Primary School Association. If you are buying anything from AMAZON please use the AMAZON SMILE app on your phone. Just go into your settings and convert your original app to the smile version and pick Grange Park Primary School as your charity.

Entering our school lottery - tickets are only £1 per week.  There is a guaranteed winner each week and a chance to win £25,000! Click on the image to find out more. 

Looking to get some new name stickers to personalise all your child’s uniform, shoes, books etc? Simply log onto the website as normal, shop and at the end add in our unique code 65741 before you check out. 24% from each order will be donated to our school. See the flyer on our website page for more information. Click on the image to find out more. 

Stamptastic is the fastest way to name all your belongings. A personalised stamp made in the UK, usable on fabric, metal, wood and some plastics. No more sewing or ironing in labels! Please note that 20% commission from each order will be donated to our school. Click on the image to place your order. 

One of the easiest ways for us to make money on our two Fayre/Festival days is through stall matching. If you work for any of these corporates or another company, please ask your HR department about Stall Matching and let the committee know.  

Looking for a fun and crafty activity your kids will love?  Try a Free ToucanBox  (Click this link), P&P only and our school will receive £5. You can cancel the subscription at any time. 

Year Group News


We have been very busy again in Acorn Class, our topic book is ‘The train ride’. The children have listened to the story and learnt songs about trains.

We even made our own train using our bodies to make train movements in the outdoor area.

We have also looked at other modes of transport and talked about different ways we can travel.

Some of the children decided to make friendship bracelets to exchange with their friends.

As the children prepare to move on to reception they have been talking lots about their friends in Acorn class and the new friendships they hope to make when they move on to their new classes. 

Some of the children decided to make friendship bracelets to exchange with their friends.

We’ve had some doctors and nurses in the nursery caring for all of the sick teddies, nursing them back to full health.


Reception enjoyed their trip to Paradise Wildlife Park.  These Snowdrop children enjoyed watching all the variety of fishes swimming.

“Wow, look they're swimming” 

Leni - Snowdrop class

These Tulip children loved the adventure playground. 

“My favourite part was the obstacle course”

Destiny - Tulip class

Bluebell children enjoying some playtime on the pirate ship.   

“The slide is super fast” Mason - Bluebell class

Daffodil children enjoyed exploring the dinosaur area, they saw a T-rex, diplodocus, triceratops and many more. 

“The dinosaurs are so big.”  Audrey - Daffodil class

Year 1

This week in our Learning Quest lessons, Year 1 was investigating facts about planet Mars using our Chromebooks. We explored a website called All About Mars | NASA Space Place – NASA Science for Kids 

We worked collaboratively in taking turns to read a paragraph and write down an  interesting fact on a whiteboard. From our information collected we created an information poster using Sketchpad.

Year 2

This half term, Year 2 have been working collaboratively to create a Madagascan class collage. We have composed, sketched and painted our own leaves using different tints and tones. Using close observation, oil pastels and tissue paper, we created unique Madagascan flowers using images of native plants. Additionally, the children have worked hard using proportion to draw their own creatures who will soon populate our class displays.

Here are some images of their amazing sketchbooks, designs and collages (but remember, these are continuously added to as the children practise and master their next artistic skill).

This design was created by Nicole in Robin class 

Year 2 Display 

This design was created by Raphael in Robin

This design was created by Amba in Robin class 

This design was created by Amba in Robin class 

This  design was created  by Silvia Robin class 

This design was created by Silvia in  Robin class

This design was created by Alex in Robin class

This design was created by  Laurence in Robin class

Year 3

What a past few weeks it has been! It’s coming to the end of the year but the hard work for the year 3 pupils continues…

The year 3 sleepovers and forest school days were both a massive success. . 

In forest school pupils explored the wilderness to complete group tasks and also complete some crafts and artwork

For sleepover pupils had a day of team building and outdoor activities before enjoying some pizza, campfire songs, hot chocolate and marshmallows and then enjoying the delights of sleeping in school…. Well some of them slept….

As well as this, all classes performed their amazing dances at the Summer fayre as part of the Dance Showcase.  Demonstrating all their hard work they had put into the rehearsals to be able to produce some amazing dances related to wild animals.

Finally in class, we are finishing our term long D&T project of constructing Egyptian Canopic containers.  Over the recent weeks we have explored the history of containers from Ancient Egypt, practised our cutting, scoring and folding techniques before drawing our own nets accurately.  We have since then designed our own boxes and are now fully immersed in the construction and decorating stages….

Year 4

Year 4 have had such an exciting few weeks full of enrichment activities! 

Each class had a full day of Forest School where they had the opportunity to take part in a range of team building games to develop skills of communication and collaboration. 

 As well as this, the children were able to take part in nature and tool based activities such as nature art, wind chime making and den building.

One of these activities was the ‘gutterball’ where the children used guttering pipes to get a ball as far as possible without the ball dropping.

They also had time to explore all that the forestry area has to offer, such as log swinging, tree climbing and ‘cooking’ in the mud kitchen.

Each class had a jam-packed day full of activities, which began with orienteering and ended with singing around the campfire whilst sipping hot chocolate and eating roasted marshmallows. The children enjoyed sleeping in tents with their classmates and taking part in a range of team building activities such as parachute games, rounders and creating a parachute for an egg.

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed both of these wonderful experiences and feel ready to take on all that Year 5 has to offer! 

Year 5

Year 5 enjoyed visiting Walton-on-the-Naze in order to observe the impact of coastal erosion.  

Including the defences that have been put in place to slow down its effects. 

We walked along Crag Walk and were able to study the rock armour close up.

After a spot of lunch, we then had a bird’s-eye view of the groynes...

...which is another way that erosion along the coast is being managed.

Also, in computing this half term..

...we had a great time collaborating with our classmates to create some stop motion animation.

 It required a lot of patience but we didn’t give up because the end result was so rewarding!

Year 6 - PGL to Windmill Hill

Last week the majority of children in year 6 visited Windmill Hill (PGL) for their five day residential. The sun was shining down on us throughout the trip and the children enjoyed a variety of activities such as climbing, abseiling, Jacob’s Ladder, zip wire, aeroball, robot wars, sensory trail, orienteering, sports and team games. We focused on team building and communication throughout these tasks and the children were a credit to the school and their parents, encouraging and supporting one another and celebrating each other conquering fears and achieving the goals set out for them.


Jacob's Ladder

Group of children getting ready to climb the ladder

Getting ready to reach new heights!