26 January 2024

Message from the Headteacher 

Dear parents

As we embark on a new and bustling term at Grange Park, the enthusiasm and energy radiating from our children have set the tone for an exciting and productive period of learning. 

Our youngest learners in Nursery, engaged in hands-on exploration of nature by harvesting vegetables from the allotments and examining them closely.  Meanwhile, our Reception learners delved into the life of the historical figure Mary Anning and a thrilling workshop on fossil exploration. Year 1 scientists planted and investigated bean seeds, uncovering the essentials for plant survival. Year 2 embarked on a historical journey with Florence Nightingale, complete with a visit from the iconic figure herself. Year 3 delved into the fascinating world of bones learning interesting facts about the skeletal system.  Our Year 4 children embraced technology through an 'Electrifying Makey Makey' workshop, creating digital musical instruments.  Year 5 ventured to the Tower of London to explore the Tudor period, delving into history.  Lastly Year 6 engaging in a heart dissection workshop to comprehend the intricacies of the circulatory system. The term is off to an exciting start, with each year group actively immersed in diverse and enriching learning experiences!

Congratulations to our Year 5/6 girls' football team for winning the Premier League against other Enfield Primary Schools – a big well done!

This term, our character trait focus is kindness, and it's truly heartening to see children of all ages embodying this value in their interactions and actions. The power of kindness enriches our school community and sets a positive tone for all our endeavors.

I am thrilled to share that our school is actively engaged in a road safety campaign in collaboration with our local schools. As part of our commitment to the safety of our children and the community, we are working together to raise awareness about road safety. Please stay tuned for updates on our collaborative efforts and join us in promoting a safer environment for everyone.

Extend Holiday Club still have some spaces this half term with the theme "Once Upon a Time!" where enchanting stories, creative activities, and imaginative adventures awaits! 

A reminder to all parents about our upcoming Learning Conversations on Thursday 8 February. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions about your child's progress and learning journey. Please remember to book your slot and note that Thursday 8 February, is an inset day, and the school will be closed for children.  We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Friday 9 February.

We have an array of exciting events lined up, including concerts showcasing the talents of our children and workshops for parents to actively participate in their child's education. Please mark your calendars and join us for these enriching experiences.

Your continued support and active involvement contribute immensely to the vibrant and nurturing community we have at our school. I look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming events and working together to foster an environment where kindness flourishes, and every child thrives.

With my very best wishes to you and your families

Tijen Hassan


Term Dates, Holidays and School Closures

Dates for the Diary

Class Assemblies and Concerts

Keeping Children Safe 

Last week the whole school participated in virtual assemblies hosted by  NSPCC. The theme was Speak out. Stay safe. This is a safeguarding programme available to all primary schools in the UK and Channel Islands. It aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse in a child friendly way. The children were taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a trusted adult or Childline - a phone line that children can call confidentially if they are worried about something and need someone to talk to.

In the online assembly, the Speak out Stay safe messages were delivered in a fun and interactive way with the help of their mascot Buddy as well as special guest appearances from Ant and Dec. The children learnt a mnemonic for remembering the Childline phone number and used their hands to show 0800 1111. See if they can show you.

Additional NSPCC resources for families to help keep children safe

The NSPCC have shared some important information below on wider NSPCC resources and support to help keep children safe.

Parent/Carer support

Take a look at information, support, advice and activities from NSPCC for parent and carers.


Activities to extend learning at home

Take part in games and activities at home to help children learn about speaking out and staying safe.



Online Safety Hub

For information on a range of different online safety topics including gaming, social media, sharing images, parental controls and more.


Childline – under 12’s

Childline have an accessible website with advice, support, games and activities. Children can change the language, enlarge text and also listen to the content.

www.childline.org.uk/buddy (5-7)

www.childline.org.uk/kids (7-11)


Talk PANTS with your children

Talk PANTS is a simple conversation to help keep children safe from sexual abuse. From P through to S, each letter of PANTS provides simple but important messages. Download the free resources at www.nspcc.org.uk/pants.

CHILDLINE NUMBER: 0800 1111           (Remember, in an emergency, always call 999)

Always Stars

At the end of last half term we  celebrated our ‘Always Stars’. ‘Always Star’ children are children who ALWAYS show that they follow the Big 3, they are ALWAYS respectful, resilient and show responsibility and they ALWAYS try their very best, taking on challenges with a growth mindset and never giving  up. Here are the 'Always Stars’ for the first half of the Autumn term.


Character Education - Kindness

During the first week back after half term, Tijen introduced the children to the new Character Strength that we are focusing on,  ‘Kindness’. At Grange Park Primary School, we believe that fostering kindness is not just part of our curriculum; it is a fundamental aspect of building a supportive and compassionate community. Therefore, the children explored the character trait ‘Kindness’ through the story ‘Beegu’ by Alexis Deacon.  The story is about an alien named ‘Beegu’ who isn’t supposed to be on Earth. She is lost and missing home and the Earth People, particularly the BIG ones, don’t seem very welcoming at all. The little ones however, are a different matter, and the story takes us on a journey of friendship, kindness and inclusion. After enjoying the story, the children were asked to consider the character of Beegu and how we show kindness to others when they are a ‘new person,’ starting somewhere new.

During the assembly, we discussed the meaning of kindness: Being friendly, generous, and considerate to others, choosing to do something that helps others or yourself, putting other people’s needs before our own. 

Together we recognised that beyond its inherent goodness, research consistently shows that practising kindness has numerous benefits for both the giver and the receiver. It contributes to positive mental health, creates a sense of belonging, and fosters a school environment where everyone feels valued.

How to support at home

As parents, you play a crucial role in instilling this value in your children. Here are some practical ways you can promote kindness at home:

Remember, kindness is a lifelong skill that goes beyond academic achievements. By fostering a culture of kindness at home, you are not only shaping your child’s character but also contributing to a more compassionate and harmonious world.

Curriculum News 

School Parliament Road Safety Campaign

Grange Park’s Road Safety Campaign

We're excited to share some fantastic news about the incredible teamwork happening at Grange Park! Our School Parliament and Junior Travel Ambassadors have been hard at work, combining their efforts to begin their campaign for safer streets outside our school. Early on, we recognised the importance of working with our wider community, including our neighbouring schools. Due to this we have joined forces with Highlands and Merryhills to work together, strategise and pull resources to ensure that our campaign is the huge success that we want it to be. Highlands very kindly hosted a meeting back in November where we discussed our initial ideas and planned what we would do first.

To kick off our campaign, School Parliament and Junior Travel Ambassadors supported the planning and delivery of Road Safety Week, by delivering a compelling assembly to the entire school. They shared valuable insights on safe ways to arrive at school and the significance of following road safety rules. Their engaging presentation highlighted the responsibility we all have in ensuring a secure journey to and from school. We were also able to share this insight with our families during the autumn term’s Come Learn with Me. The sessions included discussions about travelling to school safely, alternative ways to travel to school such as park and stride and cycling and safe places to drop off if you do travel by car. Did you know that parents can use the car park at the Old Grammarians? 

In order to understand how children arrive at school and identify areas for improvement, the MPs from each school have conducted a thorough survey outside their school premises. This took place over two days and the children focused on observing behaviours such as holding hands while walking, crossing the road safely, and ensuring proper parking both before school and after. The data gathered will support us in deciding upon the next steps of our campaign.

Perhaps one of the most exciting collaborations we have been involved in, has been with our local police force. Our Junior Travel Ambassadors and MPs joined forces with the police on the Junior Road Watch initiative. This included activities like speed tracking, engaging with individuals who were speeding, and even exploring a police van to learn about the resources and tools used to enforce road safety.

By participating in these real-world activities, our children gained valuable insights into the importance of community partnerships in creating a safer environment. Their hands-on experience not only empowered them as advocates for change but also allowed them to see the positive impact they can have on the community. 

We will be meeting with Highlands and Merryhills at the beginning of February where we will discuss our findings and decide upon our next steps whether that be involving the local council or creating road safety awareness posters and banners. There may even be a promotional video in the pipeline so watch this space. As we continue to support and applaud the efforts of our School Parliament and Junior Travel Ambassadors, we invite all parents to join us in reinforcing the message of road safety at home. Together, we can make a lasting impact and ensure the safety of our children on their journey to and from school. Thank you for your continued support in building a safer and more secure school environment.

Talents and Interests

In our past school assembly, children at Grange Park celebrated their diverse talents, interests, and achievements. The theme was Martial Arts and we discovered that many children practise this ancient art, from kickboxing to jujitsu. The cloud below lists the many children who express an interest in Martial Arts at our school.

Although the main topic was Martial Arts, lots of children shared their talents and achievements too. The wordcloud below is full of talents and interests that we have at our school.

We have a Taekwondo enrichment club, that runs every Monday after school for everyone from Reception to Year 6.

Our brand new after school clubs this term are: Drumming on a Monday, Table Tennis on a Tuesday and  Tennis on a Wednesday.

Other news

Enrichment Clubs Showcases

Enrichment clubs are well under way for the spring term. With 31 clubs to choose from, there is something for everyone to get involved in outside of the classroom. We offer  a range of enrichment clubs to children that extend our curriculum and provide our children with rich experiences in order to support their personal development. We have an array of different Enrichment Clubs running each week ranging from Spanish arts and crafts, drumming club, coding for KS1 and KS2 and even forestry.

We hope you enjoyed our Winter Showcases during the last couple of weeks of term, where you have the opportunity to see all of the amazing things that your child/children had been up to whilst attending. We will of course be having our next show case for the Spring term during the week beginning 18 March 2024. This is an ideal opportunity to find out more about our clubs even if your child doesn’t attend. 

Sports Update

Congratulations to our brilliant Boccia team who won gold in the Boccia League. Well done boys and girls 🥇

This week has also seen our young Yr 3/4 girls football team represent Grange Park in their first friendly fixture.  Well played girls

Congratulations to our amazing Year 5/6 girls football team who won the Enfield Premier League Primary Stars Spurs Tournament. The girls displayed remarkable skills while scoring some amazing goals. They also did not concede a single goal in the tournament which showed great teamwork and effort. So proud of all the girls well done. The girls will now play the winners of the Haringey tournament to find the team who will represent Spurs in the National Tournament.

Times Tables Rockstars

Congratulations to the following children for making the most progress in the following areas:

Most Coins Earned Over 14 Days:

Most Improved Accuracy:

Most Improved Studio Speed:

Most Correct Answers:

Battle Results

Well done to Year 5, Mercury and Broomfield family for winning their respective battles on TTRS. New battles are in progress already, so work hard to help your class, year group and family to victory.

Information for Parents

Extend Holiday club

Birthday Book

Just a reminder that you are welcome to donate a book to the class rather than sending sweets on your child’s birthday. The children across the school really enjoy reading these books. Teachers also put a sticker in the book to show who it's from.

Article on Workshop for Parents

Please click here to find the list of parent workshops taking place this term, along with the date, time, location and a brief description.


Grange Park students are extremely lucky to have a school Chromebook for their learning during their time here. We do please ask that Chromebooks are fully charged at home ready for the school day. Please also remind children to do their best to look after the Chromebooks by not eating or drinking whilst working on them and always transporting them to and from school in the bag provided. Thank you for your ongoing support in helping with this. 

Parking Bikes and Scooters

Measles Mumps and Rubella

Measles cases are rising across the country, with over 102,000 children starting primary school in England being at risk of catching the disease. We have been asked to share key messages from the NHS about measles / MMR and how to get vaccinated.  Please see guidance below

National measles guidelines - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Measles is highly infectious and if left unvaccinated nine out of ten children in an early years setting can catch the disease if just one child is infectious. 

Parents Learning Converstations

We are excited to invite you into the school for learning conversations on Thursday 8th February. This is a great opportunity to discuss how your child is getting on and to ask any questions that you may have regarding your child's education. Please book your slot on Parentmail, there are still slots available.  Remember that the school is closed for children on this day.  

Sleepfullness Webinar 

Save the date 

Sleepfullness: How to nurture positive sleep habits for infant and child mental wellbeing 


We're delighted to invite you to attend the launch of a brand new resources for parents on sleep and infant and child wellbeing, as developed by the Solihull Approach in partnership with the Solihull Health Visiting team.


Date: Friday 2nd February 2024 

Time: 2.15pm – 3.30pm 

Venue: Online


Further information to follow. To register your interest, please sign up for our event. 

Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance Workshops

Scoffi Flyer


GPPSA- News and Updates

We are the official fundraising arm of Grange Park Primary and look to bring parents, families, friends, staff and local communities together socially to support our school.


Happy New Year!!  We are excited about al the events we have planned for this spring term!  We have a readathon, an Easter Cookie sale and mad hair day to name a few!

We have raised approximately £10,000 so far including our festive Christmas Fayre.  All funds are going  towards the school farm, playground equipment and the internal/external PA system.  We will share some pictures as soon as possible!

If you missed the fayre but would still like to make a donation towards our fundraising efforts please do so here - https://platform.nationalfundingscheme.org/grange-park-primary-school-association

Thank you again for your continued support!

Please do not hesitate to contact us via email on gppsa@hotmail.co.uk if you have any questions, want more information about vacancies on the GPPSA or how you can help us.  

Thanks in advance for your support.


Please also bare in mind the initiatives that are available year round:

Click to go to our Facebook page. 

Go to instagram and follow us @Grangeparkprimaryassociation

Here is a fund page for anyone that would like to donate, any donation of any size will be gratefully received and help fund the items for the children that the school has prioritised for this year.

Signing up to easyfundraising which turns your everyday online shopping into FREE donations. 

Please click on the image.

Using the Amazon Smile link when buying items by pressing the logo and search for Grange Park Primary School Association. If you are buying anything from AMAZON please use the AMAZON SMILE app on your phone. Just go into your settings and convert your original app to the smile version and pick Grange Park Primary School as your charity.

Entering our school lottery - tickets are only £1 per week.  There is a guaranteed winner each week and a chance to win £25,000! Click on the image to find out more. 

Looking to get some new name stickers to personalise all your child’s uniform, shoes, books etc? Simply log onto the website as normal, shop and at the end add in our unique code 65741 before you check out. 24% from each order will be donated to our school. See the flyer on our website page for more information. Click on the image to find out more. 

Stamptastic is the fastest way to name all your belongings. A personalised stamp made in the UK, usable on fabric, metal, wood and some plastics. No more sewing or ironing in labels! Please note that 20% commission from each order will be donated to our school. Click on the image to place your order. 

One of the easiest ways for us to make money on our two Fayre/Festival days is through stall matching. If you work for any of these corporates or another company, please ask your HR department about Stall Matching and let the committee know.  

Looking for a fun and crafty activity your kids will love?  Try a Free ToucanBox  (Click this link), P&P only and our school will receive £5. You can cancel the subscription at any time. 

Year Group News 


The children in Acorn class had a great time pulling up leftover vegetables from the allotments. The children washed the vegetables and used magnifying glasses to look closely at each vegetable talking about the colours and shapes that they could see.

During the cold weather we had lots of ice in our outdoor area. The nursery children were amazed to see how the ice changed from water to ice. They experimented in lots of different ways to break the solid ice and looked at patterns and shapes that had formed within the ice.


Reception have started their new topic for this year, ‘People who changed History’. They have been learning about the life of Mary Anning and her contributions to palaeontology. The children were so excited when they had a workshop which provided real life experiences of searching for fossils and matching them to the animal or plant that they belong to.   “I couldn’t believe I saw a real t-rex skull. I know lots of facts, some dinosaurs are meat eaters and some eat plants.” - Remy Tulip

The baby T.Rex even came in to visit the office staff! 

Year 1

Year 1 has started their science topic investigating plants. We know that most plants start life as a seed. This week we have been planting beans seeds. Through an investigation,  we discovered  what plants need to survive. Plants require soil, water, light and air to survive.   ‘A bean needs sunlight, soil and water to grow’ - Lara - Grasshopper 

Year 2

In Year 2, we have been learning about the remarkable nursing journey of Florence Nightingale. Our excitement reached its peak when Florence herself paid a visit to Grange Park! During her visit, she shared the inspiring story of how she persuaded her family to support her dream of becoming a nurse, allowing her to care for wounded soldiers during the Crimean War. As part of her nursing team, we journeyed to Scutari to improve the terrible condition of the hospital. Florence also showcased the pioneering nursing uniform she had designed for her team, and the one that our nurses use today!

Year 3

Year 3 had an exciting opportunity to explore bones. During the science workshop, we learnt how many bones there are in the body, feet and hands, which bone is the longest in the human body and which bones are connected. We learnt facts about bones and discovered  how they’re connected. Later we had the chance to put together a human paper skeleton using paper fasteners. 

Year 4

The children in Year 4 participated in an ‘Electrifying Makey Makey’ workshop, which linked well to our Science topic ‘Electricity,’ as well as music and computing.  The children used controllers and wires to create their own digital musical instruments through circuit making. They were amazed to see that they could create a unique musical performance without traditional instruments, but through technology, it had them singing and dancing! 

The devices used by the children were created by ‘conductive music,’ a company who based their idea around the Nintendo Switch. In doing this workshop, the children developed a whole range of skills including responsibility, creativity, cooperative working, listening, sharing and their development of their understanding of circuits.   The children showed great enthusiasm when creating their ruler piano, where they connected crocodile clips to a ruler with conductors of electricity to create songs. We heard the songs ‘Mary had a little lamb’, ‘hot cross buns’ and ‘three blind mice’ being played. The room was bursting with creativity!  

Year 5 

Year 5 went to the Tower of London to learn about the wives of King Henry VIII and the nature of marriage in the Tudor period. Children were given an insight to each of Henry VIII wives and learnt about how some events that happen today are resulted from his actions. Children also got to see the weaponry and armour that were used throughout various battles throughout history. Additionally, the children also got to visit the crown jewels and see various artefacts throughout the years that were worn by previous monarchs. 

Year 6   

In our science topic we have been learning about the circulatory system. We had a heart dissection workshop where we explored different parts of the heart and the functions.

We have also been learning about electrical circuits and how to draw accurate scientific diagrams with all the components.


Don't forget to follow us on twitter to keep up to date with all the news and events happening at Grange Park Primary!