Carole's Reading List

Books that have redefined my kitchen...and mostly me

Read on, Macduff

Reading is a central tenet in my life. Whether I'm in "self-help" mode, or looking to learn something entirely new and outside my wheelhouse, the first place I go to is a good book. No matter what I'm reading, there are always threads that have me tugging at them to explore outside the book world - a course, a group I should join, someone I should follow, the possibilities that open up when I read are the things that excite me. Although there are affiliate links on these pages, I assure you, the small commission I receive if you order is not my motivation. If I got something game-changing out of the book, it will wind up on this list. Enjoy!

I have so many favourite books on food - all aspects of food - but on this page, you'll find a sampling of some of recent loves.

I have found hundreds of great, educational books along my oenological path. Here are my current go-to's (the list changes quite often).

I take at least 10 minutes a day for a good, inspirational read. This habit has transformed every part of my life. Here are some examples that have had a deep impact on me.


I'd love to hear about your life-changing reads. Drop me a note