In this classroom, whether virtual or live, we will continually strive to be respectful of ourselves, others, and the world around us. I chose the theme of the coffeehouse for our class this year to help establish a comfortable, inclusive environment. I encourage you to share your own flavor of learning with those around you and to be open to trying new, unfamiliar things as well. In such an unprecedented time, it's important to remember that we all can contribute and we can all lean on others. I look forward to working with you to challenge ourselves and learn all we can this year!


Attendance is crucial to educational success and this year I will add that personal health and safety are imperative! In an effort to prioritize both, we will follow district and CDC guidelines in class. In the event that you are not well, or have other activities resulting in absence, it is student responsibility to stay up to date via Google Classroom and submit assignments in a timely manner.


All assignments, instructions, and materials will be housed in Google Classroom by your class period. This is also where all assignments will be submitted and graded. It is the responsibility of each student to check GC daily and to communicate any questions or problems with me before the assignment is due. Late work will be accepted unless noted in the assignment description. Each day late, up to three days results in a 10 point deduction and any work received after three days late will be a maximum grade of 50%. Excused absences allow for additional time to submit assignments, however, if it is a planned absence (athletics, band, appointment, etc.) assignments should be submitted on time.


All district and campus policies will govern our classroom. In addition, we will establish a social contract that we will utilize to govern ourselves and our behaviors. This is a mutual respect environment where each individual will be expected to do their part to facilitate learning for all. In the event that these expectations are not met after reminders and student conferences, the campus policy of signing the book, contacting parents, and involving campus administration will be utilized.