ATEG Journal

ATEG Journal is a peer-reviewed journal, published annually. Seeking to foster discussion and analysis of the teaching of English grammar at all levels PK-16, we solicit manuscripts that describe best practices of grammar instruction. Consistent with ATEG's mission, we promote approaches to grammar instruction that are inclusive and non-discriminatory. We encourage submissions by all who are passionate about English grammar instruction, including university and college faculty members, PK-12 educators, and graduate students.

Types of Submissions

We welcome original manuscripts on the teaching of English grammar. We accept the following types of submissions:

We encourage presenters at the annual ATEG conference to submit article versions of their presentations.

For inquiries about other types of submissions, please contact the journal editor, Peggy Wilson, at

Suggested Topics

The following are suggested topics related to English grammar instruction:

Submission Requirements and Procedures

Please follow the guidelines below for all submissions:

Submit your manuscript to In the subject line of your email, type “ATEG Journal submission: [First Name Last Name].” Attach your manuscript as a Word document. Attach a separate title page as a Word document that includes the following information:

If there are additional authors, include the same information for each of them, and identify them by their order of authorship (e.g., Second author, Third author).