Mr. Brunswig

Name: Bryce Brunswig

Birthday: November 29

Hometown: Long Prairie MN

College Attended:


  • North Dakota State University


  • University of Nevada - Las Vegas

  • University of Nebraska - Kearney

Degree Held:

Bachelors - Social Science Ed

Masters - Curriculum and Instruction

Masters - Leadership in Instructional Technology

Years at Gretna -8

Years Teaching -14

Spouse - Brittney

Children Ainsleigh, Hudson and Bowen

Subject: World History, American History & Government

Occupation: Teacher

School: Gretna High School


Cross Country Head Coach

Assistant Track and Field Coach


Running, Being Active, Spending time w/ family & playing with my children, Continual Learning


Work: 402-332-3936

Hello! I use Google Classroom for all my classes. This is where you can find my course expectations, curriculum, textbook and all material needed for the class. Please e-mail me at if you have any questions or concerns.

2022-23 Class Schedule

1st Period - Government / Intro to Social Sciences

2nd Period- American History since 1900

3rd Period - Study Hall

4th Period - American History since 1900

5th Period - Government / Intro to Social Sciences

6th Period - Intro to Soc. Science / American Government

7th Period - Plan