Coding Recognition

Many students at Newton School have been learning to write using a coding language called Blockly in The following students deserve recognition for their weekly progress:

Since the beginning of the school year, NB in Ms. Witherell’s class has completed the most lines of code in the entire school! He has completed 33 levels and has written 756 lines of code!

Week of May 30, 2020

MM in Mr. Stone’s class has increased 1 level and written 638 more lines of code. His current total is 71 levels complete and 679 lines of code!

JO in Ms. ’s class has increased 2 levels. His current total is 11 levels complete and 21 lines of code!

NO in Ms. Hayes’s class has increased 3 levels and written 149 more lines of code. His current total is 81 levels complete and 642 lines of code!

NO in Ms. Hayes’s class has increased 3 levels and written 149 more lines of code. His current total is 81 levels complete and 642 lines of code!

Week of May 16, 2020

MM in Mr. Stone’s class has increased 34 levels and written 638 more lines of code. His current total is 71 levels complete and 679 lines of code!

PC in Ms. Warren’s class has increased 5 levels and written 22 more lines of code. His current total is 15 levels complete and 48 lines of code!

Week of May 8, 2020

MM in Mr. Stone’s class has increased 39 levels and written 356 more lines of code. His current total is 71 levels complete and 659 lines of code!

DW in Ms. Sherry’s class has increased 30 levels and written 153 more lines of code. Her current total is 33 levels complete and 166 lines of code!

MM in Ms. Galipault’s class has increased 17 levels and written 107 more lines of code. His current total is 44 levels complete and 217 lines of code!

NH in Ms. Sherry’s class has increased 10 levels and written 45 more lines of code. Her current total is 16 levels complete and 101 lines of code!

Week of May 1, 2020

DB in Mr. Stone’s class has increased 20 levels and written 208 more lines of code. His current total is 58 levels complete and 666 lines of code! Since the beginning of the school year, he has written the second highest amount of code at Newton!

JP in Ms. Warren’s class has begun coding and has increased 23 levels and written 129 lines of code!

MW in Ms. Warren’s class has begun coding and has increased 20 levels and written 102 lines of code!

DC in Mr. Stone’s class has increased 14 levels and written 85 more lines of code. His current total is 59 levels complete and 537 lines of code!

MM in Mr. Stone’s class has increased 3 levels and written 65 more lines of code. His current total is 32 levels complete and 323 lines of code!

SR in Ms. Galipault’s class has increased 9 levels and written 49 more lines of code. His current total is 35 levels complete and 148 lines of code!

BW in Ms. Galipault’s class has increased 7 levels and written 28 more lines of code. His current total is 27 levels complete and 91 lines of code!

PC in Ms. Warren’s class has begun coding and has increased 10 levels and written 26 lines of code!

BG in Ms. Silk’s class has increased 4 levels and written 24 more lines of code. His current total is 28 levels complete and 177 lines of code!

XW in Ms. Silk’s class has increased 3 levels and written 22 more lines of code. His current total is 46 levels complete and 289 lines of code!