Race Day Rules


 Race Day Rules!


*Be on time for the bus.  Pack the night before so you are not hurried in the morning.  Use the bathroom before you get on the bus.


*DO NOT BE OBNOXIOUS ON THE BUS.  This includes 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders.  No shouting or screaming.  Have some fun but not at the expense of the other people on the bus.  On the way to the race you should be resting and preparing for the race.  On the way home you should be celebrating your great race but in a dignified and mature way.  BE CONSIDERATE OF THE OTHER PEOPLE ON THE BUS including your coach and the bus driver.


*Wear the team the uniform.  We want to act like a team, let's look like a team.


*Keep your sweats on until the starter instructs you to remove them.  You need to keep your muscles warm and loose.  The uniform is not just to look good, it is to protect you. 


*The warm-up begins shortly after we find a place to put our equipment.  Listen for announcements.  We warm up as a team.  Be considerate and polite to other teams.  You represent Grosse Pointe North.


*The captains will lead the warm-up.  Look and listen for trouble spots and confusing turns in the course.  If you don't understand the course after you have run it, review it with someone.  Look for places on the course where you want to pick up the pace.  Look for the mile markers.  Make sure you understand the course.  Whining about the course won't change it, it will only make it seem worse.


*Mentally prepare for the race.  Don't stress yourself out over it.  Be loose and relaxed but remember you are here to run.  Talk to each other, encourage each other but don't irritate each other.

*The tarp is for runners to stretch on and prepare for the race.  No one is to be sitting on the tarp when a race is going on.  You should be up and cheering on your teammates.  Spread out over the course.  Meet the team at the finish AND CHEER FOR ALL TEAMS FINISHING.


*When we go to line up for a race, the whole team goes to the line even if you are not running in that race.  Help is needed in picking up sweats and giving last minute encouragement.  Be quiet at the line so that the runners (ours and theirs) can hear all instructions from the starter. 


*Immediately after the race get your sweats back on, get a drink and do a cool down with the team.  The bus does not leave until a cool down is done so don't put it off.  This is for your benefit.  Injuries can kill a cross country team.


*AFTER the cool down help take the tarp down and clean up the area.


*Listen at all times for instructions from your captains, coaches, starter, parents or other teammates.


*Unless you have a reason to get home earlier than the bus will get you there, please ride home on the bus.  Practice as a team, run as a team, ride the bus as a team.