

Eating a well-balanced diet is important for a high school, female athlete.  Please make sure you are eating and drinking properly before and after practice.  The night before a race runners should stay away from high fat and fried foods, eggs, dairy, and acidic drinks.  Foods good to eat before a race are pasta, breads, nuts like almonds, and fruit.  Drink water, sports drinks, or non acidic juice.  For breakfast, toast, bagels, waffles, bananas, or oatmeal are good to eat.  Again, stay away from dairy products to avoid cotton mouth during the race.

Chocolate milk after a hard workout is actually a great way to help recover, and yummy too.

Pop, and energy drinks should be kept away from at all cost.

Bananas are great for potassium.  Raisins for the iron.  

Eating Before a Race  

The night before the race eat carbohydrates.

          Suggested foods to eat before a race:

                   Dinner-       Pasta, vegetables, potatoes, fruit, juice.  (Milk can give you cotton mouth.)

                   Lunch-        Salads, broth-based soup, muffins, yogurt.

                   Breakfast-  Toast, bagels, muffins, oatmeal, pancakes, juice, fruit, cereal (no milk).

Do not eat a lot of sugar.

Do not eat a large meal several hours before a race.

Do not skip eating.

Do not eat something weird or new before a race.

See links below

30 Foods RunnersDL diet 2.pdf