
Welcome to the start of an exciting new school year, and to Grandville Middle School Choir! This year we have many exciting things planned for you. You will learn how to read music, sing in multiple part harmony, use healthy vocal techniques, and learn performance skills in a concert setting. You will accomplish all of this while developing individually as a singer and working together as a team in a special ensemble.

This handbook is designed to provide you with important information regarding rules and expectations, uniform guidelines, grading procedures, and concert requirements. As you read through this handbook and have additional concerns, please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to respond in a timely manner. 

Performance Etiquette

Students will demonstrate mastery of individual and group learning goals in a public setting during concert performances. Grades will be determined by punctuality, uniform requirements, performance skills demonstrated during the concert and warm-ups, and appropriate behavior throughout the concert. Full credit for a performance requires attendance for the entire warm-up and performance. Students who are tardy, leave early, or fail to follow appropriate uniform and behavior requirements may lose points towards their performance grade. Severe infractions may result in loss of performance privileges and thus lower the student’s grade.

Concert Attendance

Concert attendance is a course requirement. Choir follows the same policy as both the band and orchestra programs at the middle school. Performances in music classes are the culminating activity of several weeks’ work: they are the equivalent of a unit test or project in a core academic class. Because a large part of performing music is the experience of doing so in front of a live audience, this experience cannot be duplicated. For this reason, attendance at all concerts and festivals is mandatory. If your child misses a performance or festival for an unexcused reason, the trimester grade will be lowered by 2 letter grades.

I am aware that illnesses and family emergencies do occur. Certain situations will be considered excused provided the parent/guardian contacts the teacher by the day following the performance. For full performance credit, the student must perform his/her concert repertoire for the teacher within a week following the excused absence.  Pre-arranged absences from school have also occurred near performances. In this situation, a parent must contact the music teacher at least two weeks before the performance to excuse the absence. Pre-arranged absence forms from the main office are NOT considered parent notification. Please note that certain conflicts (babysitting, birthdays, practices/rehearsals for other activities, etc.) will not be excused. These concert dates are given far in advance to help you organize your schedule around our performances.

If a student does not follow appropriate classroom rules and becomes a discipline problem before or during a concert, they may not be allowed to sing at the performance. This would be treated as an unexcused absence, thus lowering the student’s performance grade.


New this year, we will be doing one donation based fundraiser in the fall to help raise money for music, field trips, and other general classroom needs. Participation in the fundraisers are completely voluntary. 

Sheet Music & Choir Folders

All sheet music, folders, and other musical notation for choir performances will be provided to the student. These will include photocopies, but may include original scores. If a student damages an original score beyond the ability to continue its use, the student and family will be held financially responsible for replacing the music. Prices of sheet music vary per piece. Students will also be assigned a choir folder at the beginning of the year. Students are expected to keep their folder with a pencil in the correctly numbered shelf in the choir cabinet.

Classroom Expectations

It is expected that each vocal music student has elected to be in this program because of a sincere desire to participate with his/her best effort throughout the school year. And contrary indication may result in loss of performance privileges and/or dismissal from the choral program. Students will learn from studying, rehearsing, and performing a variety of styles and genres of music. Students will show improvement in their ability to accurately match pitch, sing with good tone, and maintain an interest in the study of music. Other expectations are as followed:


1. Be Respectful

2. Be on Time

3. No Food or Drink

4. No Disruptive Talking

5. Have a Positive Attitude

Middle School can be a very difficult time in a young singer's life as their voice begins to change. The difference in tone and sound from day to day can be enormous. As changes in the voice occur, it is important to always lend your support and respect to other students in the choral program. If any negative language or bullying occurs regarding effort or vocal performance outside of constructive feedback, the offending student will be removed from the classroom and disciplined according to the offence. It is important to have an atmosphere of teamwork and respect in the classroom and it begins with how the students treat each other.


Students will be graded in the following three areas:

Performances: 30%

Daily Rehearsal: 50%

Formal Assessments: 20%

Performances: Full credit for a performance requires attendance for the entire warm-up and performance. Students will demonstrate mastery of individual and group learning goals in a public setting during concert performances. Grades will be determined by punctuality, uniform requirements, performance skills during concert and warm-ups, and appropriate behavior throughout the concert.

Daily Rehearsal: Music being rehearsed is considered the “assignment.” The goal is for students to demonstrate progress towards and eventually mastery of performance skills taught and reviewed. Attending class and positively participating are two key parts to a great musical experience. Each student will receive daily rehearsal points based on the following: timely arrival to class, class preparation (pencils, music folder, etc.), and fully participating to the best of their ability using proper posture and technique.

Formal Assessments: This work includes written assignments such as performance assessments, sight reading quizzes, worksheets regarding music history, theory, listening logs, etc.