Wordly Wise

Wordly Wise List 1

Asperity. 1. Sharpness or harshness of manner. 2. Roughness of surface; unevenness.

Bane. A person or thing that destroys or causes harm. Baneful. Causing destruction or ruin.

Buffoon. A person who often makes attempts to be funny; a clown; a fool.

Doleful. Mournful or full of sorrow; causing grief.

Extrovert. A person whose attention is focused on others and on what is going on around her or him, rather than on her or his own feelings. Extroverted.

Garish. Excessively bright and flashy; tastelessly glaring.

Hierarchy. A group or system in which positions of power are ranked, usually from lowest to highest.

Imbue. To fill completely with a feeling or idea; to inspire.

Instigate. To stir up or urge on; to provoke.

Penchant. A strong attraction or leaning.

Rambunctious. Behaving in a wild and unruly manner.

Repertoire. The list of pieces an actor, musician, etc. is ready to perform; the skills or accomplishments of a person or group.

Rudiment. 1. A basic principle or skill (usually plural). 2. An undeveloped or beginning stage. Rudimentary.

Undermine. 1. To weaken or ruin by degrees. 2. To attack by direct, secret, or underhanded means.

Unremitting. Not stopping or slowing down; constant.

Wordly Wise List 2

Adjudicate. To hear and decide judicially; to judge. Adjudicator.

Centennial. A one-hundredth anniversary or its celebration. Adj.: Of or pertaining to a period of one hundred years.

Countenance. 1. A person's face; the expression on a person's face. 2. Support or approval. 3. To support or approve; to tolerate.

Disgruntle. To make dissatisfied; to put in a bad mood. Disgruntled.

Equilibrium. A state of balance.

Expedite. To speed up a process; to facilitate. Expeditious. With great speed; quick and efficient.

Gird. 1. To encircle, bind, surround. 2. To great read for action; to brace.

Gratuitous. 1. Not called for; unnecessary. 2. Without charge; free.

Illusory. Unreal or imagined; deceiving.

Implacable. Incapable of being placated, soothed, or significantly changed; relentless.

Luminary. 1. A source of light, especially from the sky, such as the sun or moon. 2. A person who is well known for his or her achievements; a celebrity.

Manifesto. A public statement explaining the intentions, motives, or views of an individual or group.

Mesmerize. To fascinate or hypnotize.

Precedent. An act or statement that may serve as an example or justification for a later one.

Spurious. Not genuine; false.

Wordly Wise List 3

Curtail. To cut short or reduce.

Discriminate. 1. To make or recognize clear distinctions. 2. To treat in a less or more favorable way.

Discrimination. 1. The recognizing of clear distinctions. 2. The act of making a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group or category rather than according to actual merit. 3. The act of making fine distinctions; good or refined taste.

Espionage. The act of spying, especially a government spy obtaining secrets of another government.

Inalienable. Not able to be taken or given away.

Incarcerate. To confine or to put into prison

Indignity. An insult to one's pride; offensive or humiliating treatment.

Indiscriminate. Not marked by careful distinctions; haphazard.

Infamous. 1. Having a very bad reputation; notorious. 2. Disgraceful; vicious. Infamy.

Intercede. To act or plead on another's behalf; to try to smooth the differences between two parties.

Malign. To say negative and unfair things about; slander.

Perpetrate. To commit, as a crime or other antisocial act.

Rampant. Threateningly wild, without restraint or control; widespread.

Rancor. A deep, long-held feeling of hatred or bitterness.

Reparation. 1. A mending or repair, 2. A making up or payment for a wrong or damage done, especially in the case of an international war (usually plural).

Smattering. 1. Superficial, scattered knowledge, 2. A small amount.

Wordly Wise, List 4

Accolade. An expression of approval or respect for special merit; an award.

Adamant. Not yielding; firm.

Adulate. To flatter or admire excessively; to idolize. Adulation.

Altercation. A loud and determined dispute. A noisy quarrel.

Annals. A historical record of events, often arranged in a yearly sequence.

Assiduous. Diligent and persistent.

Chary. Exercising caution; hesitant.

Clique. A small, exclusive group; a group held together by like interests or purpose.

Decrepit. Worn-out with use; broken-down.

Endow. To provide with a quality, a thing, or a gift of money.

Ephemeral. Lasting a very short time.

Ingratiate. To gain the favor of someone through a deliberate effort.

Pantheon. A group of people held in high esteem for their great achievements.

Perverse. 1. Turned away from what is right; wicked. 2. Stubbornly opposing what is right or reasonable; obstinate. Perversity.

Tutelage. Instruction, protection, or guardianship.

Wordly Wise, List 5

Acrimony. Bitterness or sharpness of temper, manner, or speech; hostility. Acrimonious

Affinity. An attraction for someone or something with which one feels a closeness or kinship.

Ambivalent. Having mixed, often opposing, feelings about something or someone; indecisive. Ambivalence.

Cessation. A stopping, either final or temporary.

Emaciated. Very thin or wasted away, especially from lack of nourishment; scrawny.

Enclave. A distinct region or community enclosed within a larger territory.

Engender. To bring into being, to produce.

Exacerbate. To make more severe, bitter, or violent.

Illicit. Not allowed, improper, unlawful.

Indigenous. Naturally living or growing in a certain area; native.

Inexorable. Not to be persuaded, stopped, or moved by entreaty or plea; relentless.

Infatuated. Filled with excessive, shallow, or foolish love or desire.

Insatiable. Never satisfied; greedy.

Poignant. Painfully moving, affecting, or touching.

Proselytize. To persuade someone to convert to a faith, belief, or cause.

Wordly Wise, List 6

Ameliorate. To make better; to become better; to improve.

Baleful. Expressing hatred or evil; harmful, ominous.

Berate. To criticize vigorously; to scold vehemently.

Circumvent. To avoid through craftiness.

Compunction. A feeling of uneasiness or anxiety caused by guilt.

Condone. To overlook or accept without punishment; to pardon or excuse.

Diminutive. Very small; tiny.

Euphemism. A polite term used to avoid directly naming something considered offensive or unpleasant.

Expendable. Able to be used up and then discarded or replaced.

Heresy. The expression of unacceptable views, especially those that are in conflict with established religious teaching. Heretical.

Infirmity. Physical or mental weakness or defect. Infirm.

Profane. V. To treat with scorn or irreverence. Adj. Disrespectful of sacred things. Not connected with religion; worldly.

Recompense. V. To pay or compensate. N. Payment; compensation.

Repast. Food and drink; a meal.

Servitude. A lack of freedom; forced labor.

List 7

Castigate. To punish by criticizing sharply; to berate.

Colloquial. Characterized by informal language. Colloquialism.

Epitaph. The words carved on a tombstone in memory of the deceased.

Exodus. A mass departure.

Inter. To put in a grave; to bury. Interment.

Lacerate. To tear or cut roughly. Laceration.

Largesse. The act of giving generously. Gifts.

Obituary. A notice of someone's death, such as in a newspaper, usually with a brief summary of that person's life.

Omnivorous. 1. Eating all kinds of food, including both animal and vegetable food. 2. Taking in everything available.

Permeate. To spread throughout; to pass through.

Rendition. An interpretation or translation; a performance.

Resurgence. A rising again to life, use, acceptance, or prominence. A revival.

Stereotype. A generalization that is used to characterize a person without acknowledging individual differences. To make judgments that ignore individual differences.

Stipend. A regular and fixed amount of pay for work done or to help cover living or work expenses.

Subservient. Serving or acting in a subordinate manner; servile.

List 8

Adjacent. Near or next to; adjoining.

Beset. 1. To surround or to attack repeatedly. 2. To trouble or weigh down.

Cede. To give up or transfer, especially by treaty or formal agreement.

Circuitous. Roundabout; indirect.

Desultory. Proceeding or carried out in an aimless or random way.

Galvanize. To excite or arouse action.

Implement. 1. A tool or instrument. 2. To carry out.

Inconsequential. Lacking importance or worth; unable to make an impact; trivial.

Magnitude. Greatness of size, power, or influence.

Materialize. 1. To become real or actual. 2. To appear in physical form, especially suddenly.

Muster. 1. A gathering, usually of military forces. 2. To summon or call forth; to gather.

Prohibitive. Serving to restrain action or discourage use of.

Reminisce. To think or talk about one's past. Reminiscence. The act of remembering; a recollection. Reminiscent. Suggestive of something else.

Vanguard. The leading or forward position in a movement.

Visionary. 1. A person who is given to ideas that are not currently realistic; a dreamer. 2. Able to see what might be accomplished in the future.