5/4 Go Round the Mountain.mov

5/4 Monday

Go Round the Mountain and Dance Class Movement

Welcome back for another week of exciting music activites! Today we are going to be learning a new song and cup game called "Go Round the Mountain", for this game you will need 2 cups.

We will explore our voices and get our bodies moving so that we are ready to learn our new song!

Don't forget to submit a picture or video of you doing the activity to receive an "E" in all Specials! I will see you again on Wednesday for a Live Read Aloud of Carnival of the Animals!

5/6 Egg Race and COA Cup Stacking.mov

This is my cup tower!

5/6 Read Aloud Wednesday

Join Ms. Simms at 1 pm, or the new special session at 4 pm, for a live read aloud of David Ezra Stein's "Interrupting Chicken and the Elephant of Surprise"! After listening to the book, check out the activities to the left!

Meeting ID: 775-533-279

Password: waesmusic1

Thank you for joining me for Read Along Wednesday! Today we read "Interrupting Chicken and the Elephant of Surprise" by David Ezra Stein. We have 2 fun games to play for today that have to do with the characters in the book.

The first activity if Egg Rolling Races!

All that you need are some plastic eggs, a place to race, a start and finish line, and a spoon. Here's how you play:

  1. Be creative and create your race track. You can make it as long or as short as you would like; you can even add obstacles (stairs are a great obstacle)! Make sure to mark your starting point and finish line!

  2. Everybody lines up at the start and after the countdown "3...2...1...Go!", everyone races to see who can be the first to cross the finish line.

  3. If you want a challenge for your race you can try rolling your egg with different body parts instead of a spoon. Challenging body parts include your nose, elbows, and knees.

Our second activity for today is a listening game!

We are going to listen to a movement, or part, of Camille Saint-Saens "Carnival of the Animals". All you need for this activity are a whole bunch of plastic, non-breakable cups. As you listen to "Elephants", you are going to build the best EVER cup tower! Be as creative as you would like, and be sure to send Ms. Simms a picture of your masterpiece. I have included a picture of my cup tower for you; I wanted to make it bigger, but I ran out of cups!

Have fun and I will see you again on Friday!

5/8 Fun Friday Zeus Takeover!

Hi guys! Zeus here! I Took over my moms computer to bring you today's videos! We have 3 new musical videos to watch today and I hope that you like them! Once you are done watching the videos I have chosen, make sure to check out my full takeover down below and catch up on any lessons that you might have missed this week. Ms. Simms will see you again on Monday for a new song and game!

Goodbye Fur-rends


Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky

I chose this video because it has the word swan in the title and I LOVE BIRDS. I love sitting on the balcony and watching the birds fly by. I especially like when birds fly next to the window when I am laying in my Kitty Castle; I try to reach my paw out to say hello, but I can never tap them.

Wintergarten Marble Machine

I picked this video for you because I reeeeally like the marbles. I want to follow all of the marbles, and chase them, and paw them, and play with them.

Cats and Dominoes

Okay, I know this is not a musical video, but I am a cat and they are cats, so I had to share the famous cats. I liked watching all of the dominoes fall.

Mom tried to get me to play this egg rolling game with her, but I ignored her. She must really miss playing games with her students because she is ALWAYS trying to get me to play her games. Send help because all I want to do it nap.

OH YAY! SPECIAL TREAT DAY! One thing to know about me is that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the outside! I like chomping on grass and crunchy leave. I got to go outside and attack this fluffy grass! See how ferocious I am, the leaves didn't stand a chance.

Bad news guys... Mom found one of my hiding spots. I tried to be sneaky and hide while she played a scary drum, but she found me. I love my tunnel because it is crinkly and lights up...oopsies maybe she heard the crinkle and knew where I was.

I like to hide under the table and watch Mom work. She never sees me sitting there, watching her make videos for you guys, but I am always there. Well, that is, until she brings out instruments and then I zoom around the apartment as fast as I can to hide.