Remote Enrichment Opportunities

Hello WAES Families and Friends!

I hope that each of you are doing well! The WAES Specials team misses each student immensely and look forward to the time in which we get to meet for our rotations again. We are sending thoughts of comfort, health, and safety to each member of our WAES family.

The WAES Specials team wants to make sure that your child has opportunities for authentic academic enrichment activities during this period of social distancing. This website is designed to be a central location for you and your family to receive resources that will allow your children to grow through music, art, physical activity, and reading. We hope that these resources help your family stay active and have a little fun during a time of uncertainty. Many of these activities and websites can be adapted and enjoyed by learners of all ages, so feel free to join in on the enrichment!

Each specials teacher has a tab located at the top of this page and will be updating their resources periodically during transition to online learning. Have a look around and try out as many activities as you would like! Please keep in mind that this approach to educating is new for each of us, but we are diligently trying to provide learning opportunities for your child. We have also included an "Other Resources" tab with links to educational resources from other subjects, so that your child is receiving all-around enrichment.

Thank you!

L.A.M.P. Secret Mission

The Super Secret Society of Specials Teachers has a Top Secret missions for all of our WAES Wildcat Special Agents! Check out the Top Secret video down below to fin out more about your mission: