6th Grade Reflection 


Covid really didn't affect me at the beginning of 6th grade it just really affected me in the part of me not being used to wearing my mask all the time and now I just have it on all day in school. I did a lot of things in 6th grade and I have a whole bunch of memories with friends one is me in the 5th grade when I had to wake up go to school and not want to go and now I remember how I wanted to get to school its I remind myself how I used to not want to go to school but now I do. As a result, i'm really proud of myself for completing the things I wanted to complete like me being in encounters and I tried really hard to be in it and here I am now in encounters doing projects and getting ready for the future. Well everybody in school has been nice to me well some people but I remember this one time that I was in my class and I really needed mascara and I was panicking because I really really needed it but thankfully one of my friends let me borrow and I was relieved and that was really nice there were other things people did for me but the one that made my day was when my friend let me borrow her mascara. Therefore the most challenging thing for me still is to have two Pre-ap classes. It's challenging for me because I have really advanced work and it's a lot so it's really challenging. Also, it's more work and less time to take breaks but I'll just keep pushing and be working hard. As a result, one thing I would have changed is to mee choose who I talked to because it really didn't go out how I planned it to go that's one thing I would have liked to change. I learned a lot of things this year one is to choose your friends wisely and the second is that I learned how to write an essay pretty well and I learned how to make friends for back then it was so different that I don't want anyone to know. Something that was really hard at first was running a mile in a certain amount of time but I just practiced and practiced and now it's so easy for me to run really fast and not get tired. The Area I really improved my skills was in PE class. I was already pretty good but now I'm even better. I really improved my basketball skills and running skills and volleyball skills. I improved a lot.