AP Chemistry

Class Syllabus

This document details the class information, rules, expectations, and policies. The syllabus is subject to be revised pending changes in Galena Park ISD remote learning expectations and changes in board policy.

AP Chemistry Syllabus | Remote Learning

The AP Binder

You give up certain freedoms when you come into this classroom, such as the freedom to lose papers or the freedom to take notes on a wrinkled piece of paper that you ultimately file into the back pocket of your jeans. It is required that you care for your notes and build an organized system in order to quickly look up what you have learned. Furthermore, keeping an organized system will model many enduring functions of scientists: recording information and data, creating experimental diagrams, forming associations and connections to other learning and asking thoughtful questions.

Thus, the introduction of The Binder.

Here are the rules for The Binder:

  1. Bring The Binder to class every day. You may leave it in the classroom overnight in your period’s designated cabinet. If you choose to take it home to study, make sure you bring it back every day.

  2. When taking class notes, it is required that you place them in The Binder.

  3. Pages in The Binder must be in order according to the posted class Table of Contents. If you are absent, get the pages you missed from the Archive and complete them using the help of Ms. Tenaglio, another student, or on your own after school.

  4. Keep up with the Table of Contents. Every exam given in this class is based on the content in The Binder. If you want to succeed in this class, you need to keep up with The Binder.

A sample of The Binder with notes and answer keys is available in the classroom. The Table of Contents is provided below.

AP The Binder Table of Contents

Websites to Bookmark

Navigating Google Classroom

The following tutorial will give you a complete tour of how to navigate Google Classroom and access all its resources and features.