6th Grade Reflection 

This school year I learned a lot, so I'm going to talk about it. The first thing I learned is  that friendship is very important because they will be there for you, also that I need to pay more attention in class, and finally I learned that I need to focus on self care more.I say this because I always worry about others but I need to take care of myself first.Next the area I feel like I've made the most improvement is more than one place but my number one has to be choir.We just have so much fun as a group and we can read music, sing without the piano, and we are just like  a big family.Another thing is that if I had to change one thing about this year it would be to have free dress.The dress  code for 6th grade is so bad because we have to wear these yellow shirts that don't match with anything.Something I accomplished this year that I´m proud of is probably getting nominated into honor society, I'm not officially in but still being nominated to be in it was a big deal for me and I'm proud of myself for doing good.And finally Covid has affected my 6th grade year because we have to wear mask all the time if we want to.I personally want to keep my mask on for my health and I've gotten so used to it.