6th Grade Reflection

Something that I did in sixth grade was create new friends and friendships with new people that I found. because making friends mostly new ones can open up some feelings in you that you didn't know you had like happiness, excitement, anger, and more. Something that I accomplished that im proud of is my shield, or coat of arms. The reason because this is one of my greatest accomplishments is because this shield is from my favorite game, and i personally liked the project of creating a shield that describes you or things you like.6 adjectives i'll use are amazing, great, decent fun, boring, and likable. i made my biggest improvements this year buying cologne getting a haircut getting better at every video game and happy getting all of my good grades. something hard that was at the start of this year was surprisingly math adding and multiplying but now i im probably one of the best in my math class. three big lesson i had learn are being nice doing work and listening caused when i listen in math class i knew what to do and how to do it also i hadn't gotten in trouble which is good. about working some time i had missing assignments and it was not good but i recover by giving it my best.