Madelynn G.

One May 3rd 2012, Madelynn was born . She was born in Houston, Texas. Madelynn has 2 siblings.  An older sister named Maileen and a younger brother named Mateo. She loves the dearly. All Madelynn's friends and family call her Maddie. Madelynn is 11 years old but, soon she will turn 12! Madelynn loves birds! She has 2 pet birds. Their names are Polly and Sunny. Her hobbies are learning how to play the piano, reading , drawing singing, and playing outside. Her recent accomplishments: getting A Honor Roll all year, winning first place in Choir Uil, Student Council, and getting into NJHS. One of Madelynn's goals is going to Rice University and studying architecture when she is older. The inspiration came from a school trip to the University and Madelynn saw how truly amazing the school was. Madelyn has always wanted to become an architect since the first grade. She has always enjoyed drawing and playing with  Legos. Another goal of Madelynn's is maintaing her A+ grades.Getting good grades not only makes Madelynn proud,but it also makes her family proud. Staying in choir and advancing in the class is another goal for Madelynn. She has always enjoyed singing. She has been in choir since the fourth grade. Madelynn is very grateful for the support and opportunities she receives. She loves and appreciates all that her friends and family do for her.