6th Grade Reflection

Something in 6th grade that I will remember for the rest of my life is the friends I have made this year and have gotten closer with. I will always remember the amazing memories I have made with them. I am very grateful and glad I met these amazing people. Some things that I have accomplished this year that I am proud of is getting into NJHS, getting A Honor Roll, and winning first place in Choir Uil. I am proud of getting into NJHS because the requirements were a 91 average in your core classes and writing an essay on why you should be in NJHS. Getting A Honor Roll all year because I maintained all of my classes including my electives. The nicest thing someone has done for me this year is allowing me into their life. For example, the large amount of people who were comfortable to be their self around me. The most challenging part of the year was getting used to 6th grade. It is a big jump from 5th grade because of the many different classes we have and having to keep up with the classes.  Something that I would change from this year is not using my free time to improve my studies. Three most important things that I learned is how to manage my time better, that I can be myself with the right people, and that if I work hard there will be positive incomes. Something hard in the beginning of the year was writing essays but now that Ms.Damante has taught me how to correctly write one it is now easy. An area that I have improved on is science. In the beginning of the year I was challenged with the subject, but now I have a 100 in the grade book for that class. Six adjectives to describe 6th grade are sweet, sour, fun, enjoyable, wise, and happy.