Middle Ages Research Project

How the Middle Ages Was 


Have you ever heard what happened in the Middle Ages? Well, lots of dangers, tactics, and systems. Feudalism was a significant part of the system for lots of people. The Black Death was a powerful and dangerous plague that killed millions. Living in Castles had some advantages and some disadvantages. Lots of events happened during the Middle Ages. 


 This was a system also known as Feudalism, in which rich people with more money gave land and protection to the poor. But to pay them back they had to work and fight for them to pay what the rich people gave them. In the text it says. “Feudalism was a system in which people were given land and protection by people of higher rank and worked and fought for them in return.” This means that once people were peasants or in a low rank the higher ranks would give them protection for working to pay them back.

”Feudalism was used during the 500 and 1500 in Europe. Feudalism was also used in Asia, but some Asian countries had a different but similar system to Feudalism in Japan they also used a similar Feudalism to England or Europe.

Feudalism ended because of too many firearms, the growth of polite culture, the rise of centralized monarchy, and the rise of bureaucracy. In the text it says. [...] ” the growth of polite culture, the rise of a centralized monarchy, the introduction of firearms, and the rise of nationalism and bureaucracy.” This explains what caused it and the inventions like firearms they started to invent.

The Black Death

The Black Death was a terrifying, but dark plague. It killed millions of people, many sick, many deaths. The Black Death made people go through a hard time because, in the Middle Ages, there was no vaccine or cure for that kind of serious plague. The Black Death appeared in 1346, but some traders discovered it when it was 1347, this made everyone go crazy because there was a plague that would kill millions. A few years passed it was 1351 the plague was still on people, and couldn't stop killing because the fleas were spreading the plague all over the place. It killed about half the people in Europe in the 14 century and had very little population.

The Black Death had three manifestations: bubonic, pneumonic, and septicaemic which only happened to you if you had gotten the virus. If you were to sleep when you didn’t know you had the Black Death you'd be dead by morning. Some symptoms you'll get will be swelling of lymph nodes along the neck, armpits, groin fevers, chills, headaches, and more. When you had the bubonic you had a 30 to 70 percent of death. When you had the second most common which is septicemic you’d have a 90 to 95 mortality rate. Lastly, if you had the pneumonic 

you would have almost a hundred percent mortality rate.

People from the Middle Ages thought that the plague was a punishment from god because almost half of the population died in that event, and it was very painful to people. Many people started attending church where they thought God would turn back the serious plague. In the text it says. “Why did God not answer and turn the disease back” This explains that people were scared and were willing to go to church while the plague killed people.

Life in a Castle

Life in a castle was like no ordinary, however, in the castle; there were many roles, in those roles, the most important was the king such as King Arthur, King Henry II, and King Edward III. These kings lived in castles with their knights to protect them, and other people like jesters to entertain, a cook to cook food, and many others. The knights were also very important because defending their king or lord was their job. Knights also had to fight in wars so it was an honor to fight, but could lead to death. The worst job you could get in a castle was being a Gong Farmer because they had to clean and bury human waste. According to the text, it says, “Gong farmers, also known as nightmen, were responsible for cleaning out human excrement from the cesspits within the castle walls.” This means that they were very unfortunate and had to be responsible and brave to do that job.

Inside castles, it would mostly be cold because of the bricks which don't heat up with the sun, and because they were made of stone they could barely put some windows so light could come in. Because the castles were dark and cold they were mostly the homes of rats, rats infested every single part of the castle. Castles had different parts like a kitchen where the cook could cook the meal for his lord. They also had to have towers so they could see if there was a threat or use the tower for an advantage for the bow, or crossbow. Another important part of a castle is the moat and the dam. These parts were critical to the castle because there was water around the castle so threats couldn't enter. 

In the Middle Ages, they started building better castles in 11-12 centuries to protect themselves from other threats or wars. In the text it says. “ Castles were constantly re-designed and adapted to provide the best possible defense against new and unwelcome threats.” This means that they built other weapons for protection, and upgrading or making better. They made maces, crossbows, swords, lances, glaces, and other weapons. The castles from the Middle Ages started to invent new and powerful techniques that could lead them to win. In the text it says. “Maintaining unity in morale, planning troop movements, and mount offensives with numerical advantages.” This explains the tactics that they practiced led them to victory.

Castles were built normally with stone which was called Ashlar, and Rubble. Rubble was shaped, cheap stone that was put in some walls that were not visible to the public and easy to put or lay down. On the other hand, Ashlar was a good quality cut stone that was normally put on exterior walls. In the text it says. Rubble was lumps of irregularly shaped stone, which was used for walls that were not going to be visible as it was cheap and easy to lay.  Ashlar was a good quality, regularly-cut stone that was used for exterior walls and was more neatly laid and jointed.” This explains that they used Ashlar or good quality materials for exterior walls and 

Rubble for walls that weren’t visible to the people.


In conclusion, lots of events happened during the Middle Ages. All of the people were very uncomfortable but comfortable living this life. This period is crucial because it helps us understand what technologies they had or what tactics they had in battle, and even plagues that happened and make us understand or make us prepare.

Works Cited 

“Middle Ages Feudal System.” Ducksters. www.ducksters.com/history/middle_ages_feudal _system.php  

Accessed 22 February 2023. 

Ross, David. “Feudalism and Medieval Life.” Britain Express. www.britainexpress.com 

/History/Feudalism_and_Medieval_life.htm Accessed 7 February 2023.

History of Black Death” All About History. allabouthistory.org/history-of-black-death.htm Accessed 2 

February 2024.

Life in a Medieval Castle.” Exploring Castles. www.exploring-castles.com/castle_life/. Accessed 2 

February 2024.

”Middle Ages Castles” Ducksters.www.ducksters.com/history/middle_ages_castles.php. Accessed 2 

February 2024. 

The Black Death of 1384 - 1350.” History Learning Site. www.historylearningsite.co.uk/medieval 

-england/black-death-1348-1350/#google_vignette. Accessed 2 February 2024.