Giovanni G. Biography


Gio was born in July 30, 2012. In Gio's family he has a brother, dog, mom and dad. He's the youngest in his family. He grew up in Houston, Texas. Some of his personal accomplishments are, winning his 4th and 6th grade school spelling bee and  getting entered into the National Junior Honor Society. Some of Gio's goals are to become a professional soccer player or aerospace engineer. The hobbies he enjoys are playing soccer, basketball, and football. he also like to swim and play video games.

-What is something you did in 6th grade that you think you will remember for the rest of your life? Why?  Something I did in 6th that I would remember is painting our Coat of Arms. The reason I would never forget this is because it was a really fun experience, and I had fun bonding with my peers.

-What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of? One of the things that I'm proud of this year is winning first place in the school spelling bee. It was really fun, and though since I had to go against most of the seventh and eighth graders.

-What was the most challenging part of this year for you? The most challenging part of this year for me was adapting to my new classes and the school. The reason this was challenging was because this was a new school for me and I didn't know what to expect.

-What is something that was hard for you at the start of this year but is easy now? One thing that was hard for me at the start of the year was encounters. The reason encounters was hard for me at the start was because I wasn't prepared for all the projects that we were going to do, but after one or two projects I was a total pro at encounters. 

-In what area do you feel you made the biggest improvements? I feel I made the biggest improvements in science. I never felt so confident and excited about science. Every time I go to science I feel like the end of the day is always going to end well. That is the biggest improvement I feel I made in science.

-What are 6 adjectives you would use to describe the 6th grade school year? The 6 adjectives I would use to describe my experience during my 6th grade school year is fun, exciting, interesting, crazy, wonderful, and educational. All of those examples really express how I felt this entire school year.