About Me Collage

By: Giovanni Guzman

Favorite Food:

Chick Fil A Sandwhich

 Fried Catfish


Chicken Nuggets


I love Ronaldo because of many things, but I really love his sui that he does to celebrate.


Messi is one of my favorite players because he is really good at soccer and is basically the god of soccer.


Ronaldinho is one of my favorite players, because of his cool moves. He know lots of great plays.

Favorite Movies

Star Wars

I love this movie! I love all the fights that happen because they are really cool. I also like all the different types of lightsabers.

Jurassic World

I really like Jurassic World because of the dinosaurs. I also like it because of the scenes where the dinosaurs are loose on the island.

Ice cream

My favorite flavor of Ice cream is Cookies and cream. The reason I like cookies and cream is because of the Oreo cookies it has. It just tastes so delicious.

Favorite Sports/Hobbies


I love soccer! I am a huge fan of all the players. I play it all the time with my buddies. We even have a team, we are called the Wildcats.


Football is a very fun sport. I love watching every game that goes live. I like watching any team that plays.


I love playing basketball! I have always liked basketball. I play it a lot of times with my friends and neighbors.


I love all types of dogs, but my favorite dog is golden doodle's. I even have a golden doodle. His name is Max, and I always play with him. I really love him.


My favorite color is green. I have always liked the color green. If i can wear anything that has the color green i'm probably going to wear it.

Favorite Animals/Prehistorical

   Favorite Games

Diner Bros is a cooking game where you can play with friends or yourself and is really fun!

Favorite holiday's


I love Christmas! Christmas is one of my favorite holidays.  I love it because I get so many gifts. I also get to see my family and have fun. We mostly play games and hangout!


I love Halloween. On Halloween, I get lots of candy. I also get to see my friends and family. I love trick or treating. I also love to dress up in my costume.


By: Giovanni Guzman

That is all to my About Me Collage. Thank you!