Gabriela B.


Gabriela Bolanos was born on October 30, 2009, in Houston Texas. She is 15 years old. Her parents are divorced and she lives with her father. She has 2 sisters and 2 brothers. Gabriela is an 8th grader who goes to Woodland Acres Middle School. 

Gabriela’s Favorite hobbies are drawing. She has been drawing for 6 years and was self taught, and she puts a lot of effort and time into her art. Another hobby she likes is listening to music. Her favorite artist is Perice The veil . Her favorite song is Caraphernelia. Sadly Gabriela doesn’t have any talents whatsoever.

Some accomplishments Gabriela had done was finishing Elementary with good grades. She also is still friends with people from Elementary. One of her other accomplishments was getting a cat after asking for 3 years. She had named her cat Nala and she is a girl. 

Gabriela’s goal in life is to have a good job and have a lot of money and to get her dream house, and to get her favorite piercings and tattoos.