About PASS

What is PASS?

PASS is an acronym for Positive Approach to Student Success. In the PASS program that incorporates, Positive Behavior Supports, scientifically based research practices and interventions, and student placement in mainstream settings where there is access to general curriculum and highly qualified teachers.

PASS involves four phases of implementation, Pre-placement, Orientation, Inclusion and Maintenance, and Aftercare

With the ongoing support of a PASS specialist, each student in PASS learns, practices, and implements individualized strategies that address targeted behaviors of concern. By combining targeted and intensive social skills instruction with behavior monitoring and coaching, PASS facilitates the student's' development of self-management skills. Students in PASS benefit from social learning opportunities with all peers, increased access to the general curriculum and individualized behavior support.

At its core, PASS is about educating - providing both instruction and practice in the social skills that students need to be successful in life.