Research Poem

The Incredible Ketchup

Started at a young age

But was able to make a change

While selling many products

He got his name, Heinz

Horseradish from his mother

Brickyard from his father

As his first company failed

He felt like a sad puppy


He loved to make

He loved to sell

He knew he would make billions

Following his dream 

with great determination

He was able to produce 

an amazing creation

The name was Tomato Ketchup

The pureness of the sauce

was like a red gloss

His company grew with the help of

Fredrick and John

The Heinz Company was created

Heinz was so popular he felt

as if he was on top of the world

People swirled

their food into his products

Enjoying every last taste 

Making him feel blessed

Just like a disease

It spreads and threads

Across all 7 seas