6th Grade Reflection

My 6th Grade Reflection

The 6th-grade year has been the most phenomenal year of my life. Comparing 6th grade to elementary is not the same amount of fun and happiness. Something that happened in 6th grade that I will never forget is the choir concerts I performed in front of the entire auditorium. This was something I would never forget because singing is my passion and my talent which made the choir concert something I will never forget about. Something that I accomplished that made me happy was that I mastered the math DA. Hopefully, I can do that for STAAR. The nicest thing that someone did this year was when I was struggling with an assignment, I had help from a friend of mine I finally understood what I was struggling about. The most challenging part of the year was all the tests and assignments I had to take which would be very difficult. If I could change anything that happened this year is that we would get to go to "Skateworld" from choir. So basically in choir we were going to a skating place until it got canceled. Three important things I learned this year are math methods, choir notes and sight reading, and reading tactics. Something that was hard for me at the start was all the choir sight reading and notes we had to sing until throughout the year I started getting a lot better. An area where I need a lot of improvement is reading because for me it's the hardest subject. The six adjectives I would describe my year are phenomenal, insane, extraordinary, eventful, excellent, and wonderful. Those are the events and thoughts of my 6th-grade reflection.