7th Grade Reflection

As I reflect on this year, I realize that 7th grade has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, changes, and opportunities. This being my second year in middle school, I have undergone various transformations and have had the chance to experience a lot of new things. 

Academically, this year the work increased by a lot. At the beginning of the year, I struggled with understanding new concepts, but this encouraged me to push myself. I found that I like science more than I thought. This is because all the experiments we do in class are entertaining. They are eager for me to find more information and learn more about the topic.

To continue, once the school year started I thought everything was gonna stay the same, including friends. However, I  had the chance to make new friends while being in choir. I formed strong bonds with some of the 8th graders who are hilarious and entertaining, and they made my school experience more enjoyable and exciting.

Sports have always been a passion of mine. I had the privilege of taking part in a variety of sports, including volleyball, basketball, track, and soccer, all of which I thoroughly enjoyed.  Outside of school, I play softball and I’m going to start playing club volleyball soon. Balancing my schoolwork with my sports activities was a challenge for me this year, as my family values education and academic success above all else. However, I am proud to say that I was able to overcome this challenge and excel in both areas.  

Overall, I am proud of the person I have become this year, and I am grateful for all the experiences that have shaped me. I am excited to see what the future holds and look forward to continuing my journey through life with confidence and enthusiasm. I have come to realize that my journey through 7th grade has been nothing of a ride filled with an enormous amount of emotions, opportunities, and changes. As I glance back at my journey, I can confidently assert that this has been one of the most memorable and favorite years of my life so far.