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The Stanley Cup Playoffs begin this month.  16 teams will embark on the difficult, yet exciting  journey to win the Stanley Cup!  Although the criteria for making the playoffs has changed over time,  some franchises have had more success meeting that criteria and winning the cup than others.  Don’t know who to cheer for this year?  Although we don’t know which 16 teams will made the playoffs yet, maybe consider one of the 11 teams who have made the playoffs in the past but never won the cup!

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E-Readers, such as the Kindle, were first introduced in the early 2000s.  At that time, many people feared that print books would die out and be replaced by eBooks that people could easily access and read on portable devices, but incredibly the opposite was true.  Over the last three years print book sales have been up 10 - 14% in most English speaking markets and since 2019 the sale of fiction in the US is up 45% (Weikle).  Who is driving up the sale of print books?  Young people!   To learn more about current eBook and print book sale trends, click the link to

Did you know?

Although Christmas symbols and movies have taken over our malls and tvs, there are many other important holidays celebrated by a number of different cultures and faiths throughout the month of December. Understanding these various celebrations helps to unite us, allowing us to respect everyone’s traditions, whether they celebrate Christmas, Hannuika or Kwanzaa, just to name a few.  Take some time to learn more about the number of wonderful celebrations celebrated in December so that you can truly wish your friends and neighbours a happy holiday!

Did you know??

Starbucks is credited with starting the Pumpkin Spice craze that takes North America by storm every fall.  Peter Dukes, a Starbucks employee, pitched the idea  in 2003 after Starbucks wanted to recreate the excitement around a popular 2002 winter drink, Peppermint Mocha.  Vancouver and Washington D.C. were selected as test sights for the drink, where it only took a few weeks for Starbucks to realize they had a huge hit!  20 years later, the PSL is not only a popular drink, but pumpkin spice can be found in many other beverages and household products, like hand soap!

Did you know?? 

Over 170 000 book titles, including books written by Stephen King and Margaret Atwood, were copyrighted and  used to train AI to write.  One third of the books used were fiction titles; two thirds were non-fiction.  The books were used to help train AI to “generate content based on patterns identified in sample texts” (Creamer).  Stop by the LLC to check out our collection of Stephen King and Margaret Atwood books, plus hundreds of other authors, used to train AI to write like a human! Learn more about this story by clicking on the articles to the left of the screen.

Creamer, Ella. (2023). Zadie Smith, Stephen King and Rachel Cusk’s pirated works used to train AI. The Guardian.,Zadie%20Smith%2C%20Stephen%20King%20and%20Rachel%20Cusk's,works%20used%20to%20train%20AI&text=Zadie%20Smith%2C%20Stephen%20King%2C%20Rachel,in%20The%20Atlantic%20has%20revealed