About Ms. H

Here's a Virtual Choir project that I participated in. Enjoy Light of a Clear Blue Morning, produced by Kirsten Oberoi, featuring music educators from the Boston area and Rhode Island. See if you can spot Ms. H three times :)

Our classrooms have gone silent, but we haven't given up yet. Music Educators are resilient, and we will continue to offer messages of hope to our students and communities through this time of isolation.

"Everything's gonna be alright - it's gonna be OK."

So........about me..........

I am a native of North Carolina, and have been involved in music and theatre since childhood. My experiences range from playing the piano for a comedy improv show in Chicago to conducting a student orchestra on the steps of City Hall in an attempt (successful!) to improve music funding in public schools. I am happily married and am a proud parent of two wonderful children. When I’m not trying to keep up with popular music, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, cooking, reading, hiking and kayaking.

I've been teaching at Gordon School since 2010, and I'm grateful to be in a community that fully supports the arts and encourages every student to find their voice.

I believe ...

Music is an essential subject,

not only because of the mental workout necessary to

comprehend, create, and perform it well,

and not simply because

it is an amazing avenue to

explore other cultures, history,

and the intersection between the arts and social justice,


because music has its own

intrinsic value to touch the human spirit.