Unbirthday Parties

Why only celebrate your birthday when you can celebrate all of your unbirthdays? We think it makes sense to celebrate life any day of the year, and we can help you do that with GOOD FUN STUFF!

Birthday Parties

Ok, ok. We can also celebrate your actual birthday and have good times :)


We set up a Zoom or phone call to hear you about what you want and need. Be ready for us to ask things like, how many kids, what does your kid like, do you have a date in mind, do you want music, dance, woodworking, games, or something else that is not on our site but you want us to do. Then we set another call to give you our ideas, and rates and to set an agreement. Email us info@goodfunstuff.org


Our packages start at $300 from 2hrs, you can decide from craft activities, games and more