
You have finally reached the last leg of your journey. You and your squires have accomplished great feats throughout this time spent on your quest for the Land of Godley. This last stage will take great strategic planning on your part so that your young warriors can execute the final goal of reaching the destination. In this final challenge, you will need to give full trust to your charges. It will be up to them to bring ultimate glory to the kingdom. Continue to lead these young fighters with your wisdom and knowledge, for they will undoubtedly approach you for guidance along the way.

The objective for this level is two-fold:

1. Create a student-centered project that incorporates the four 21st century learning skills: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. This will not be a stand alone lesson that can be completed in one class period. Your project/lesson plan should be laid out day by day in order to show us the flow of the project.

2. Meet the Redefinition level of the SAMR Model. (Refer to the video resource on the Homepage for help)


Following are the stipulations for the challenge because they meet the two-fold objective of Level 4:

  • The project must be assigned to all students. It may not act as an extra-credit assignment.
  • Must make use of at least two students per project (no individual work).
  • Technology must be used in some way throughout the lesson. The entire lesson should be dependent upon the technology. In other words, each phase of the lesson or project would not be possible without some use of technology. The end result DOES NOT have to include technology, but it can.
    • Ask yourself: "Was technology used throughout the research phases of the project, and was that research conducted by the students?"
  • The lesson or project should allow for original work to be created by the student(s). Examples of original work would include, but are not limited to: proving hypotheses, writing an original story, stating an educated opinion on a current issue's impact on society, an original speech, etc. It is not merely restating facts from previously learned material, even if they're doing that through the creation of a video or presentation.
    • Ask yourself: "Within the parameters of the TEKS, did I give my students the right to make creative choices in order to accomplish the learning objectives of the project?"
  • The entire process of the lesson or project should be student centered as well as student directed.
    • Ask yourself: "Did I give my students autonomy in the flow and direction of the project, and did I remove myself from 'center stage'?"
  • The lesson or project should have a real-world application.
    • Ask yourself: "Does this project allow for students to make a connection to the real world, and did my students apply that connection in their project?"
  • The learning process and/or the student(s) final creation should provide for an audience outside the classroom for the purpose of extending the student's knowledge base regarding the subject matter.
    • Ask yourself: "Is there a piece built into the process and/or end result of this project that gives my students a connection to others outside the classroom for the purpose of extending their knowledge base and/or receiving feedback regarding the subject matter?"
  • A detailed lesson plan that includes learning objectives (TEKS) AND all the bulleted criteria listed on this page. Within your lesson plan, it must be clearly evident that each bulleted criterion was addressed. Your project plan should also be laid out in a day by day format in order to show us the flow of the project.
    • Ask yourself: "Does my lesson plan accurately and completely convey evidence of all the criteria for this level, and does the final product I'm submitting accurately portray the TEKS/objectives stated within the lesson plan?"
  • Within the lesson or project outcome, it should be clear that students are using higher order thinking skills including analysis, evaluation, and creation.
    • Ask yourself: "Does my project require students to reach the highest levels of Bloom's Taxonomy, and does the final product convey those skills?"
  • A link to 3 students' work must be submitted.
  • Complete this criteria checklist template

Submit your detailed lesson plan, your criteria checklist, as well as a copy of 3 students' work.

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