
Congratulations on your continued successes. Now, on to the Duke. Thanks to your relentless efforts and loyalty to the King, you have been rewarded with young squires so that your legion may continue to grow in strength. You have proven yourself a fierce warrior and your young charges believe in you. Don't be afraid to move them to the front lines as you take time to reflect on your journey thus far and strategize for the last half of this mighty quest. These challenges will take time and patience compared to the first two legs of your journey. Fear not, though, for your young army is ready for the test. As your apprentices begin to lead the charge, your words of wisdom will continue to play an extremely valuable role in whether or not the kingdom will survive.

In this level, you will be creating a Choice Board to provide differentiation for student learning. Choice boards and learning menus are designed around a general area of content and allow for student choice in showing mastery over that content. Following are the criteria that must be met:

  • Choice Board must be assigned to ALL students; this may not act as an extra-credit assignment
  • 3x3 table for a total of 9 squares
  • Each square will include a learning activity that meets one or more of the following learning styles:
    • Kinesthetic
    • Visual
    • Auditory
    • Verbal
  • Each square must also include one of the 4 Cs:
    • Communication
    • Collaboration
    • Critical Thinking
    • Creativity
  • Each square must include an activity that is dependent upon technology, and the technology cannot simply act as a replacement for pen and paper. For example, typing an essay in Google Docs vs. handwriting the paper would not suffice as acceptable technology use for this level.
  • All students must complete the center square as well as two more squares of their choice.
  • Submit a copy of your choice board and copy of 3 students work from each of the learning styles.
  • Submit your lesson plan for the choice board activity.


Follow the template design below to create your original choice board.

Choice Board
scroll of paper
scroll of paper