Site 5

GHS Outdoor Wildlife Learning Site 

The pond area and the strip of land between Goddard High School and Goddard Middle School was set aside to be an Outdoor Wildlife Learning Site in 1997 by the Goddard School Board and the GHS Science Department lead Barry Schartz.  Supported by the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism, this site is designed to be an outdoor environmental/wildlife laboratory for students and community members.  In this “outdoor classroom,” one will find native flora and fauna to Kansas, as well appreciate all the diverse ecosystems in action throughout the four seasons.  Currently, ecology and biology students utilize the area for enrichment to their curriculum.  With student interest, the GHS Science Department will assist those that want to gather and study the data of small animals in the park by trapping, tagging, and releasing.   While in the spring, GHS works closely with the Goddard Grounds Crew and the local Fire Department to do a controlled, educational burn of the area.   

Visitors are welcome to fish if they follow the current licensure regulations of Kansas, and practice catch and release fishing. 

At this particular site, one will notice the spillway to the right.  This outflow is an essential piece to the life and biome of the pond. Its purpose is to release excess water and debris that fills the pond when it rains.  By pulling unnecessary debris and excess water from the pond, it allows the pond biome to keep fresh water and the good nutrients to feed the diverse ecosystems that live within and near the body of water.   

In this area, look for these native trees and plants: